Apply for the Sibafest 2026 programme

We invite every Siba community member to take part for making Sibafest together

Sibafest 2026 – together made and experienced

The concept of Sibafest was renewed in 2024 when the central theme of the event was to open up the knowledge, values and working methods of our artistic community to each other and to the public.

The departments have already started their own planning and now it is also possible for others to propose their own ideas for Sibafest.

Where and when can you apply?

  • The call is open from 4.-31.3.2025
  • The application is made via Taito channel.
  • No performance or teaching fees will be paid, but expenses may be reimbursed on a case-by-case basis.

Where and when will Sibafest take place?

Fri 23.1.2026 from 11.00-17.00 (internal day)

  • The programme can be of 45 min (or less)
  • To be held at Töölö campus (M-, R- and N-buildings (classrooms, Agora, NK-55))

Sat 24.1.2026 from 10.00 to 21.00 (also a day dedicated to the external public)

  • The programme can last from 45min – 1h 45min
  • Musiikkitalo (Camerata, Black Box, Sonore, Organo, Auditorio, foyers, etc.)
  • Approximately 3-5 events per space

Bring with you ideas related to your own teaching or studies

Workshops, discussions, masterclasses, meetings, presentations, playing together, experiments etc

  • Teacher: implement your teaching at Sibafest, use the event as an experimental platform, a stepping stone, an end point or a showcase for your teaching.
  • Student: suggestions for activities and programmes, including pedagogical, research, artistic activities – or social activities
  • Other staff: propose a programme to increase understanding of your work, work processes or the opportunities they offer

Examples of what will happen in our community in 2024

  • Master classes open violin, guitar, accordion, lied, piano, opera classes
  • Workshops  Making music with a looping machine, Kantele improvisation workshop, Groove workshop, Avant-garde workshop etc.
  • Discussions Research-based teaching projects for music educators, Doctorate from SibA, Arts Management now and in the future etc.
  • Concerts mm. Multitech, Songwriters on stage, Barokkiperjantai, Impro opera, Choirs for ecocide law, The large orchestra of Nth Instruments, Wind Instrument concert of the Junior Academy etc.
  • Others mm. Hygge-Agora, DJ Impro Jam, Take a peek behind the scenes of the Symphony Orchestra, Siba-dating etc.

Watch the after movie of Sibafest 2024, and get inspired!