Support and tips for mental health and mental health services

The page contains tips and methods for strengthening student mental health, life management and ability to study.

Mental health services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS)

On the FSHS mental health information page, you can find out more about the areas affecting mental health and recommendations on what you can do for your mental health.   

You can also find low-threshold mental health services for students on the FSHS website:  

  • In MieliChat, you can anonymously discuss matters weighing on your mind and get advice and support on mental health and well-being issues.  
  • Lifeclass videos: Get concrete tips from experts for strengthening well-being and meeting the challenges of mental well-being. The videos have three themes: Tools for mental health, Everything about depression and Alcohol and drinking habits.  

Read more about FSHS services for students. 

Exchange students are not entitled to use the FSHS service: Health Services for international exchange students (Helsinki) 

Organisation for promoting student mental health and study ability Nyyti ry

The Nyyti ry website contains a wide range of information, tips and methods for promoting and strengthening mental health, mental well-being and study ability.  

  • Learn life skills: Student guide on life skills  
  • Online life skills course: The course is taken independently and allows you to find ways to maintain and increase your well-being, ability to care for yourself and self-knowledge.  
  • NyytiCast: The Nyyti podcast series talks openly about mental health and student well-being.  
  • Nyyti’s chatis for the exchange of ideas and experiences  on topics that concern the student’s everyday life and life in general.  

Mieli ry Oiva course

Oiva exercises help you to concentrate, be present, recognise things that are important to you and deal with unpleasant thoughts and feelings.   

Mental Hub

The Mental Hub website offers various self-care guides related to mental health. You can find help for, among others, depression, anxiety, support for mental well-being or alcohol abuse. Work to improve your health at your own pace, anywhere, any time.  

Where can I get help in an acute mental health crisis?

Health stations

In an acute mental health crisis, contact your municipality’s health station. Health station nurses are trained to deal with mental health and substance abuse issues. Health stations are open on weekdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, and you can contact the emergency clinic 24 hours a day. The Medical Helpline 116 117 provides guidance and advice on urgent, non-emergency health issues. On the Medical Helpline, you will be assisted by nurses with emergency services in your area, who will assess the need for emergency services or urgent care over the phone.  

Contact details of the City of Helsinki health stations and emergency services  

Contact details of the City of Espoo health centre and emergency services  

Contact details of the City of Vantaa health centre and emergency services  


Crisis Helpline

National MIELI Mental Health Finland Crisis Helpline provides crisis assistance in Finnish 24 hours a day every day at (0)9 2525 0111.  


Sekasin-chat is a national discussion platform for anyone 10-29 years old. You can anonymously and confidentially discuss issues or topics that concern you. The chat is staffed by on-call organisation professionals and trained volunteers  

SOS Crisis Centre

Call the SOS Crisis Centre when you need help in dealing with a crisis situation. The SOS Crisis Centre in Helsinki offers short-term discussion assistance to support people in dealing with a crisis. Book an appointment by phone at (0)9 4135 0510.  

HelsinkiMission Crisis Services for Youth

HelsinkiMission Crisis Services for Youth provides confidential short-term crisis and discussion assistance in Finnish for youths and young adults aged 12-29, adults, couples and the families of young people. Find out more and book a phone appointmenton the HelsinkiMission website   

City of Helsinki Mental Health Service Unit Mieppi

Mieppi is is a low-threshold mental health service intended for adults and young people over 13 years of age living in Helsinki. The services are free of charge for Helsinki residents. You can contact Mieppiif you have concerns about, for example, your life situation or mental health and you would like to get some discussion support.  

Walk-in therapy

The Church in Helsinki offers Walk-in therapy to young people aged 16 to 29 to support their mental well-being. You can talk with a professional without an appointment or referral. The service is free of charge and open every Monday 12:00-6:00 pm.Address: Matteuksenkirkko Varustamo, Turunlinnantie 3, Itäkeskus.  

Uniarts Helsinki Wellbeing Services

University chaplain

The university chaplain of Uniarts Helsinki may also be the first contact, with whom you can discuss what might be the best way to help your situation.  

Read more about the university chaplain services. 

Study psychologist

The study psychologist is a licensed psychologist. Study psychologist sessions are free of charge.  

Read more about study psychologist services.