Things to remember

25 days
to pay the healthcare fee for students

What's for lunch on campus?

  • Aubergine and tomato stew with gremolata (*, A, ILM, L, M, Veg, VS)
  • Rice (*, G, L, M, Veg)
  • Minced meat patties with mushroom sauce (*, A, L)
  • Roasted potatoes (*, G, ILM, L, M, Veg)
  • Kung Pao with tofu (*, A, G, ILM, L, M, Veg, VS)
  • Rice (*, G, L, M, Veg)
  • Asian chicken stew and fresh coriander (*, A, G, L, M, VS)
  • Rice (*, G, L, M, Veg)
  • Whole grain wheat tortilla (A, L, M, Veg)
  • Spicy vöner filling (*, A, ILM, L, M, Veg, VS)
  • Crispy herb fish (*, A, ILM, L, M)
  • Tartar yoghurt (*, A, G, L)
  • Roasted potatoes (*, G, ILM, L, M, Veg)
  • Vegetable croquettes (*, G, ILM, L, M, Veg, VS)
  • Chiligurth (*, A, G, ILM, L, M, Veg)
  • Roasted potatoes (*, G, ILM, L, M, Veg)
  • Kebab pizza and chili mayonnaise (A, L, VS)
  • Cauliflower and broccoli soup (*, A, G, ILM, L)
  • Roasted chicken and vegetables in teriyaki sauce (A, G, L, M, VS)
  • Chili con vege (*, A, ILM, L, M, Veg, VS)
  • Sweet potato soup (*, A, G, ILM, L)
  • Mildly spicy kebab sauce (A, G, L, M, VS)
  • Punajuuripihvejä (*, G, L, M, Veg)
  • Pureed root vegetable soup with smoked cheese (A, G, ILM, L)
  • Meat patties and caramelized onions (*, A, L, M)
  • TexMex -bell pepper filling (*, A, ILM, L, M, Veg)
  • Pureed beetroot soup (*, A, G, ILM, L)
  • Chicken in curry and sour cream sauce (A, G, L)
  • Moroccan vegetable patties (*, G, ILM, L, M, Veg)

If you can’t see anything, check if they’ve updated the Tempo’s Finnish menu.