Apply to join the matinee series in the main café of Musiikkitalo

The new matinee series will be piloted weekly on Tuesdays at 14.00-15.00 in the main café of Musiikkitalo, starting from 8.4.2025. During the spring there will be six matinees, the last one on 13.5.2025. This is a great opportunity to practice for example your spring exam concerts!

We are looking for 1-2 performers/compositions for the matinee. The duration of the programme is 20-25 minutes per group of performers, if there are two different ensembles in the matinee. If there is only one group, the duration of the matinee can be between 45 and 60 minutes. 

Performances may be acoustic or lightly amplified. Ensembles should bring their own amplifiers. Musiikkitalo offers the use of a pa. There are no restrictions on the size of the ensemble. A grand piano is available. 

Selections will be made on a first-come, first-served basis and those selected will be contacted personally.  

The matinee series is organised in collaboration with Musiikkitalo.

Further information Tiina Halonen,