Changes in li­brary’s opening hours in De­cem­ber 2023

Joakim Honkasalo, Unsplash

There are changes in Uniarts Library’s opening hours in December due to the Independence Day and staff retreat. Christmas holidays begin in Kuopio Library on December 18 and in Töölö and Sörnäinen Campus Libraries on December 21. 

Sörnäinen Campus Library

5.12. customer service 12 – 16, self-service library 8–17
6.12. closed
15.12. customer service closed, self-service library 8–21
16.–17.12. closed
18.–20.12. customer service 12 – 16, self-service library 8–17
21.12.–7.1. closed

Töölö Campus Library 

6.12. closed
15.12. customer service closed, self-service library 9–20 
21.12. – 7.1. closed

Kuopio Library 

6.12. closed 
15.12. customer service closed, self-service library 9–18 
18.12. – 7.1. closed

Library’s customer survey is open until December 15 2023 

By answering the customer survey, you help the Uniarts Library to develop its services.  

It will take you a few minutes to complete the survey.  

The survey is open until December 15 2023.  

Link to the survey:  

The answers will be treated confidentially and the results of the survey will be announced later in the library’s communication channels.  

Thank you!