Check your contacts in Peppi
Please check that your information is up to date in Peppi. You can update your contact information if needed. Go to My studies -> My Data -> Contact information. If you are living in Clavis, please check that your address also includes the room number.
Please notice that your telephone number is needed for the upcoming new way to login to Uniarts systems, as well as communication in case of emergency, so it should be saved into Peppi.
Please check also that your permission to give out contact information is up to date in Peppi.
If your personal information needs to be updated, please contact the study services of your own academy.
We ask all international students to send us their Finnish social security number if it is not yet in Peppi, or visit the Student services office of your own academy.
All sensitive data must be sent as an encrypted message. If you need help with the encryption, please send an email to your own academy.
Academy of Fine Arts:
Sibelius Academy:
Theatre Academy: