Incident reporting can prevent accidents
In 2023, Uniarts Helsinki employees made 14 reports of dangerous situations or situations in which they had had an accident or near-miss. Notifications have increased significantly since the beginning of 2023 because they can be submitted using MS Forms, which is linked in Artsi’ tools.
It has been said that there is an average of 600 near misses per serious accident at work. Although the accuracy of the figure can be questioned, several studies have found that the more near misses are reported, the fewer accidents occur in the organisation. In other words, the number of occupational accidents will decrease if all near-misses are reported, analysed and hazards eliminated. Therefore, information about what happened “almost” should not be withheld but should be investigated in the same way as accidents at work. It is also important to receive reports of detected hazards, even if nothing has happened yet. The organization learns, and safe working methods develop.
At Uniarts, you can submit an internal notification using the same form for:
- accident
- near miss
- the hazard you detect.
The purpose of the notification is to promote safe working practices and help avoid accidents. However, accidents between home and the place of work or study are not covered by this reporting procedure.
All accidents that have resulted in medical care costs or at least three consecutive days of absence must also be reported to the insurance company with the help of the accident contact person of the personnel or students. Instructions for staff are available in Artsi and for students in Student Uniarts.