Individual support and guidelines in cases of inappropriate treatment

Sibelius Academy dean Emilie Gardberg sends a message reminding of the university’s appointed support persons and guidelines for handling inappropriate behaviour.

I have received numerous contacts from students and teachers at the Sibelius Academy following my recent statement after the Long Play article. The Long Play article detailed long-standing inappropriate behaviour and abuse of power in the classical music field.

As I wrote, in our recruitment decisions – whether as part of our own activities or our collaboration projects – we will make sure that not a single student has to be afraid of being exposed to inappropriate behaviour. As a result of the article, for example, we agreed with the Musiikkitalo’s Urut soimaan association on a change of conductor for a concert we are organising together in June.

Additionally, I hope that the victims described in the Long Play article are not left alone, regardless of whether it is a recent issue or an experience of inappropriate behaviour from years ago. Their contact person is the Head of Academic Affairs at the Sibelius Academy, Susanna Ketola: or 050 324 6252. Susanna can be contacted without hesitation, and there is no need to prepare for the conversation in advance.

Support Persons and Guidelines

In recent years, extensive and critical discussions about the shortcomings in the music field and in our own activities have challenged us to work consistently to prevent and address inappropriate behaviour. Positive changes have also occurred. For example, reports are now made with a lower threshold, and cases are handled according to a clear process.

In the contacts I have received, there have been requests to share information on how to act concretely in situations where one experiences or recognises inappropriate behaviour. Therefore, I want to remind all members of our community of the following support persons and of our common guidelines:

Contact persons

  • University’s Equality and Non-discrimination Officer Mia Seppälä
  • All supervisors act as harassment contact persons (e.g., heads of all degree programmes and doctoral schools)
  • Student Union’s Harassment Contact Person Ruut Karhula, or 040 961 183
  • Student Health Services FSHS, or 046 7101073
  • Student Psychologists Volkan Topal and Sanna Vuorinen or 050 477 8425
  • University Chaplain Lisa Enckell, or 050 533 1562

Key Guidelines

All the above-mentioned guidelines and other useful information on supporting student well-being at Uniarts Helsinki can be found on the students uniarts site.

If you suspect that you have been the victim of a crime, you can contact the national Victim Support Finland ( and by phone at 116006). The service provides free advice and guidance, discussion support and legal counselling. It is possible to deal with Victim Support Finland anonymously.

The police provide instructions for filing a crime report on their website: The police also have a national advisory number 0295 419 800.

I want to thank everyone for their direct contacts. I hope for feedback in the future as well, as I want to strengthen trust in the support our community provides for addressing issues and influencing shortcomings through both my own actions and our common practices.

Emilie Gardberg