Invitation / Trans*Creative Festival Symposium
Calling Uniarts students who identify as trans, non-binary, or who are working with questions of gender non-conformance!
We would like you invite you to take part as a Uniarts student at the Trans*CreativeFestival Symposium. The event is scheduled for September 25-27th, 2024, and will be hosted at the Uniarts Theatre Academy’s Studio 3 (Haapaniemenkatu 6, 00530 Helsinki). We will watch some performances, have plenty of discussion, and meet fellow artists and researchers.
We know that many of you will also have classes during this time. At the discretion of your responsible professors or teachers, however, it may be possible to attend the symposium and then write or otherwise produce reflections for credit. This must be arranged in your own department.
We have a limited number of spaces for Uniarts students at this intimate symposium. If you are interested, please send a short introductory email including your motivations to attend. Send to as soon as possible. We will inform attendees if they have a spot by September 16th.
Please find the preliminary program outlined below. Kindly note that minor changes may occur as we finalize arrangements.
Photo exhibition opening
Remote lecture: Cassils (CAN/US)
Screening of Palestinian trans* filmmakers’ short films at Tekstin talo
THURSDAY 26.9. 10-16 (includes coffee and lunch break) & Evening program
Performance: RUFF KNOWLEDGE by Camille Auer
Discussion with artist
Panel discussion: Caroline Suinner, A. Cadia, Sophie Labelle, and open chair
Trans*Creative Performance Evening
FRIDAY 27.9. 10-17 (includes coffee and lunch break)
Talk on Trans Cultural production: TBA
Performance: Ritni Rasté Pieski ( & Aarni Juoksa Pieski ( )
Performance & discussion: Mary Maggic (US/AUS)
Trans*Creative retrospective
Networking and project dreaming
The eventisorganized by the academic-artistic project Trans*Creative: Health, Violence, and Environment in Trans Cultural Production. The project is headed by Lotta Kähkönen at the University of Turku, alongside Jamie MacDonald (University of the Arts Helsinki, Tutke), Wibke Straube (University of Karlstad), Luca Tainio (University of Karlstad/University of Helsinki), and Kuutti Kiperä (freelance tattoo artist, @studiovimma, Tampere).
For more details about the project and past events, please visit our website: