First year Fine Arts BA stu­dents Zine Ex­hi­bi­tion at Sörnäi­nen Cam­pus Li­brary 7.12.2023-15.1.2024

The Zine exhibition of the first-year course of the fine arts students is on display in the Sörnäinen Campus Library from 7 December 2023 to 5 January 2024. The opening of the exhibition will be held on 5 December 2023 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Welcome to the exhibition!

You can visit the exhibition when the library is open. Zine publications are displayed on the display shelves of the library class 07.01. The publications of the exhibition cannot be borrowed.

Description of the exhibition:

We stepped in to a classroom filled with books. Under the windows two scanners were waiting for us. 

As source material we had a collection of discontinued library books. After some exploration we started finding new stories within the covers, when the absurdity of the books made us notice even surprising similarities within the themes that seemed to be so far from each other. 

The exhibition gathers together zines from the first year students of the Fine Arts BA program, which have been made during the Introduction to Printmaking course that took place in Autumn 2023. 

The publications are freely browsable. Please handle them carefully and return them to their designated place afterwards.