Plumbing renovation on the lower floor of the Sörnäinen campus library on Friday 1 September

Update 4.9.2023: Plumbing renovation is over.

There will be plumbing renovations on the lower floor of the Sörnäinen campus library on Friday, September 1. The renovation is estimated to take the whole day and will continue on the following days as needed. 

During the renovation, access to the library’s mobile shelf room is prohibited for safety reasons. For this reason, most of the materials located in mobile shelves (shelf classes 12.01–25.02) are out of use during the renovation. 

 If you urgently need material from those shelf classes, we recommend picking up the material or reserving it for pick-up before Friday, September 1. During the renovation, the library staff cannot visit the mobile shelf room or deliver material belonging to those shelf classes to the reservation shelf.