KELA informs – Study during the summer months

You can get financial aid for summer study. You can get financial aid for attending lectures, tests, job training or working on a thesis, among other things.

To students in higher education financial aid for the summer months is granted in accordance with application. Financial aid is granted for the period you indicate in your application.

Note that taking out financial aid for summer study counts against their total eligibility for financial aid, which is calculated in months. Any summer months for which a student receives financial aid are also taken into account when checking the student’s annual income and monitoring their academic progress.

How to apply for financial aid for the summer months

Apply for financial aid for the summer months in the OmaKela e-service. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.
> Select Etuudet (Benefits) – Opintotuki (Student financial aid) – Ilmoita muutoksista (Notify changes) – Opintotuen muutosilmoitus (Notification of changes relevant to student financial aid) – Ilmoitan muusta muutoksesta tai haen lisätukea (I’m reporting some other kind of change or applying for additional financial aid) – Jatko- tai lisätukihakemus (Application for extended or additional financial aid)

The earliest you can get financial aid is the beginning of the month in which your application arrives.

If you cannot study in the summer and you do not have a summer job, you can apply to Kela for basic social assistance.

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