Language studies online – apply for network courses

KiViTa of­fers courses in lan­guages and com­mu­ni­ca­tion for students in the higher ed­u­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tions of the re­gion – ap­ply by 11th August

KiViTa, or collaboration in language and communication teaching in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, offers courses in languages and communication, which can be taken by anyone studying at the higher education institutions of the region.

The diverse course offerings focus particularly on Finnish and Swedish, multilingual science and professional communication, as well as less frequently taught languages. The courses are primarily organised flexibly as remote and web-based studies.

All registrations take place in Sudyinfo (Opintopolku) and students are admitted to the courses on a first-come first-served basis. Registration for courses beginning in September 2024 is open until 11th August 2024. Please read the instructions for registration on KiViTa’s website.

Uniarts Helsinki offers optional language courses as well as Bachelor’s studies to the KiViTa network in Autumn 2024. Our own students can also apply for them on Studyinfo.

New courses offered by Uniarts Helsinki include the Italian 3 advanced course and the Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 introductory courses. There will also be intensive courses in speaking skills and working life texts in August. In addition to the compulsory courses in Swedish and English, Uniarts Helsinki’s KiViTa courses offer preparatory courses in Swedish and English. You can enroll in these courses to prepare your language skills before taking the actual language courses.

Apply for Ki­VANET’s on­line courses in lan­guages from 15th August to 8th September

The KiVANET network of Finnish higher ed­u­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tions will organize online courses in several different languages and in multilingual tandem learning in the Autumn term of 2024.

There are plenty of quota places for Uniarts Helsinki’s students on the KiVANET courses. Enrollment time for courses in Autumn 2024 is from August 15th to September 8th 2024.

More information on Uniarts Helsinki’s language studies: