Learn Finnish by singing!
On the course “Learn Finnish by singing” we activate speaking, listening, pronunciation and vocabulary of the Finnish language through singing and music. Participants can also make their own lyrics and translate their favourite songs or poems into Finnish.
The classes are online on 3rd May and evenings in Töölö from 6th to 16th May. See the full schedule in the Uniarts study guide.
Apply for the course below with the Kivita network application form by Tuesday 2nd April. After this date you can contact kielet@uniarts.fi.
The course is suited for anyone who has completed at the least the Finnish 1 course. You don’t have to be a singer: everybody can sing and the main focus on the course is learning to use Finnish in practice.
Teachers: Johanna Lehtinen-Schnabel (choir leader/music teacher and doctoral researcher at the Sibelius Academy) with Sanna Teerenhovi (Finnish lecturer at Uniarts Helsinki). For more information, please email sanna.teerenhovi@uniarts.fi.