Li­brary’s sum­mer clo­sure ends

Library units will open in stages in August.

Uniarts Helsinki’s Library opens in stages after the summer break. All library units will open as self-service libraries  on Monday 7.8.2023. In Sörnäinen and Töölö Campus Libraries customer service is abbreviated 14.8–27.8. and as of Monday 28.8. customer service will be open as usual.  

In Kuopio Library customer service opens with new opening hours on Monday 14.8. except for Saturdays. 

New opening hours in Kuopio Library 

Kuopio Library’s new customer service hours will come into effect on Monday 14.8. Self-service library will be open as before, but on Saturdays library is closed in August. 

  • MON, TUE and THU customer service 12–15, self-service library 9–20 
  • WED customer service 12–17, self-service library 9–20 
  • FRI customer service 12–14, self-service library 9–18 
  • SAT self-service library 10–14 (as of 2.9.)