Mannerheimintie renovation project starts on march 6th
A massive renovation project of Mannerheimintie on Monday March 6th between Kiasma and the Opera House.
The project takes about 1,5 years until September 2024. After that the renovation area will move further north between the Opera and Reijolankatu. During the renovation, they will renew all underground technology, streets, pavements and cycle lanes, tram rails, tram and bus stops, trees etc.
Please reserve enough time and use kansalaistori entrance
During the renovation, accessing Musiikkitalo from Mannerheimintie will be more or less difficult. We recommend that you reserve a bit extra time for your arrival. It’s also recommended to use Kansalaistori entrance when possible. The entrance at Mannerheimintie is supposed to stay open too, but walking routes can be challenging at times.
Trams, busses and biking
For the next one and half years, trams 4 and 10 and several bus lines will move to temporary routes. The closest tram stops will be at Lasipalatsi and Central Railway Station. It’s probably best to check your own routes from HSL’s Reittiopas:
The bridge over Baana bike lane will also be renovated, and therefore Baana will be closed there for a short period of time.
Cars, parking and maintenance/service tunnel
Musiikkitalo’s parking hall Aimo Park Finlandia and our own maintenance/service tunnel will stay open during the renovation project, but please bear in mind that driving along Mannerheimintie will surely be awfully slow, as there will be only one lane northbound and one lane southbound. The closest parking areas will be the one next to the Olympic Stadium and other parking halls in the city center.
Noise and vibrations
It is possible that there will be some kind of disturbing noise and vibrations caused by the renovation. Unfortunately we don’t know the details yet. Property Manager Mr. Marko Oittinen and Production Manager Mr. Antti Pylkkänen are investigating these with the contractor and will notify of any possible effects on Musiikkitalo’s operations.
Follow the renovation project’s comms channels
As the logistics of the renovation project will be ever- and rapidly-changing, unfortunately Musiikkitalo’s organizations don’t have the possibility to notify people at Musiikkitalo about all the changes and little details. Therefore we recommend you to follow the official website of the project at There is also a Facebook page called Mannerheimintie peruskorjaus (in Finnish) at We will notify our customers on Musiikkitalo’s website, newsletters and social media.
Additional info
- Marko Oittinen, kiinteistöpäällikkö,
- Antti Pylkkänen, tuotantopäällikkö,
- Juha Paaso, myynti- ja markkinointipäällikkö,