New signs for toilet and changing room facilities on the Töölö campus take gender diversity into account
In November 2023, we published news about the development measures we will implement based on feedback received from students. One frequently repeated wish in the feedback was that gender diversity should be taken into account in the signage of the toilet and changing room facilities on the Töölö campus. In connection with the processing of the feedback, it was decided that in the future, campus toilets will mainly be designated for use of all genders, and non-binary users whose gender identity does not fit into the binary female-male division will be taken into account in the changing room facilities.
The signage changes were implemented in the N building at the turn of the year. The signage design process for the M building is currently underway. There will be no changes in the R building, as the premises are already gender-neutral, with the exception of the lobby floor.
How do I use the renamed toilets and changing rooms?
Toilet facilities
All genders are welcome in the toilets that are designated for use of all genders. These facilities can be identified either by the “wc” text alone or by the “accessible toilet” sign.
Binary toilets designated for women or men can be found in the lobby of the R building and in the premises of the M building.
The two toilets located on the K floor of the N building are designated for women and non-binary persons, as well as for men and non-binary persons.
If you feel that you need more privacy than what the facilities with several toilet cubicles offer, you can use a toilet space intended for use for one person at a time. As a rule, the toilets in the M and R buildings are used by one person at a time, with the exception of the toilets in the main lobbies and the library. In the N building, more privacy is available in the toilets for one person, which can be found on each floor (accessible toilets on the K floor, toilets next to the freight elevator on the 1st floor, toilets next to the practice classroom wing on the 2nd and 3rd floors, and all toilets on the 4th and 5th floors).
Changing room facilities
In future, the division of changing room facilities will take into account non-binary persons who do not identify as either female or male. In this case, the locker rooms are marked either for women and non-binary persons or for men and non-binary individuals.
Please note that if you identify as male or female, you must follow the choice of changing room space according to the signage. The purpose of the change is not to make changing rooms completely gender-neutral in the same way as toilets.
In addition, it is good to keep in mind that gender cannot always be determined by appearance.
How did the decision on the new principles come about?
The principles for allocating toilet and changing room facilities have been outlined in Uniarts Helsinki’s campus development groups, which include a wide range of community members, including student representatives.
In 2021, the Sörnäinen campus development team decided that the campus toilet facilities will mainly be gender-neutral, and the changing room facilities will be designated to women and non-binary persons or men and non-binary persons. In addition, one private shower was designated for everyone’s use in the Mylly building.
The topic was prepared with the involvement of different groups in connection with the naming of the toilet and changing room facilities in Sörnäinen. Discussions were had with Uniarts Helsinki’s transgender and non-binary group, the university’s equality and non-discrimination working group, and in consultation with Seta ry, the Ombudsman for Equality and the Finnish Centre for Occupational Safety. During the preparation, we heard about non-binary and transgender people’s experiences about how gendered signs and spaces had made them feel that they were not welcome in the facilities. It is important that transgender and non-binary people feel safe and accepted in our community.
The Töölö campus has received feedback on the topic at regular intervals, and finally, in autumn 2023, the Töölö campus development group took up the naming of toilet and changing room facilities for discussion. Based on the feedback received as well as extensive surveys already carried out on the Sörnäinen campus, a decision was made to adopt the Sörnäinen model in order to harmonise the practices on the Helsinki campuses.
Where can I give feedback on the functionality of the premises?
If you want to give feedback on the impact of the above-mentioned changes on your everyday life, we are happy to hear about your experiences! Please also let us know if you have any questions about the change. You can send feedback on the topic to our new address (the address will be in use starting from 29 January 2024.)
Our facilities are developed in cooperation with many different groups, and feedback is utilised as part of long-term campus development work.