Quiet room for students opens on 11.3. in N-building

Established a year ago, the students’ quiet room in Kookos has received a lot of positive feedback. Students have expressed their wish to see a similar space at Töölö campus to support student well-being. Last autumn, the Töölö Campus Development Group decided to allocate meeting room N-134 in N-building for this purpose. The space has been renovated in cooperation with facility services and the university chaplain.   

Opening on 11 March 2024

The opening of the quiet room is celebrated in space N-134 on March 11th between noon and 2 pm. In attendance will be the university chaplain Lisa Enckell and the general secretary of the Student Union Lauri Grünthal.  

The room can be used without reservation, except during the university chaplain’s office hours

The quiet room is located on the first floor of the N-building, on the right hand side when entering through the main doors. The room is open to students without reservation during the building’s opening hours, except during the university chaplain’s office hours. The room serves as a meeting space for the university chaplain on Thursdays between 1 pm and 6 pm. You can book an appointment with the university chaplain.  

The room is intended for private and quiet use for students

The room can also be used for relaxation, meditation or prayer and is open to all, regardless of religion, belief or nationality. There are no religious symbols in the room. 

Quiet Room in N Building