Respond to the survey on cultural inspiration vs. appropriation
Responses to the online survey are sought from people of all ages, particularly from young people. The survey is short and quick to answer.
Maarika Autio is doing her artistic doctoral research at the global music department in Sibelius Academy about the ambiguous boundary between cultural inspiration and appropriation in music, and through music in other performing arts. The world is becoming more and more diverse and the debate on this topic is heating up.
Responses to the online survey are sought from people of all ages, and of course, since young people will set the standards of tomorrow, from them in particular. The survey is short and quick to answer. In one box, the word is totally free, so go for it! Anonymity is assured, language options are Finnish and English. The responses may be used to evaluate the results and in research publications.
Contact information for the survey and for the doctoral study
For more information, please contact Maarika Autio,