Scanning of attachments and links in emails in introduced

University students have also been scammed by phishing links and malware in emails. IT Services will improve its anti-phishing efforts by introducing the Safe Links and Safe Attachments functionalities of Microsoft’s security services for students in the near future. These services are already in place for monthly paid staff.

The Safe Attachments feature checks the security of email attachments before they are downloaded to the user’s computer. Due to this check, attachments may not open immediately when the message is received and there may be a short delay in opening as the service processes the message content and possible attachments.

The Safe Links functionality checks links when they are clicked whether the link address is among the known suspicious pages. Safe Links opens a warning page instead of the linked page if the link leads to a known phishing site or malware distribution site.

Please note that the above features do not fully guarantee the integrity of sites or links. A fishing message may be sent using a university ID, or a fishing site may be set up in such a way that the service does not recognise it as fishing. Care is always required with links in email messages – stop and think before you click!

For further information, please contact IT-helpdesk ( tai +358 294 47 2200). Any suspicious emails should also always be reported immediately to IT helpdesk.