The results of Student facility survey under discussion in October
A facility survey aimed towards Uniarts degree students was carried out in May. There were 84 respondents. The survey was utilized to find out how students use the different facilities on the campuses and how these facilities should be developed from the students’ point of view.
The survey results indicated a lack of facilities for rest and recovery and the many needs related to individual and group work facilities. There were many individual comments and suggestions for improvements to the current facilities.
Feedback will be discussed in September/October
The Uniarts Facility Services has evaluated the feedback received from the survey. Measures are already planned to improve various technical considerations, accessibility and the furnishing of the premises.
The Student Welfare Group will discuss the results of the survey at its next meeting on September 28th, 2023.
One of recurring feedbacks from the survey was the wish for gender-neutral toilet facilities on Töölö campus. The Töölö Campus Development Group will discuss the issue at its meeting on October 10th, 2023, after which any changes to the signage for toilet facilities in Töölö will be implemented.
In October, the University of the Arts community will be informed in more detail about what measures have been and will be taken based on the feedback.