The self-assessment report for the audit of the quality assurance system is now open for comments

The University of the Arts Helsinki has prepared a draft of the self-assessment report for the upcoming audit of the quality assurance system. The entire community is invited to provide comments on the draft before November 15th.

The quality assurance system of the University of the Arts Helsinki will undergo an audit in the spring of 2024. The audit team will visit our university on April 9–10, 2024, to conduct interviews and workshops with members of our community. The university will receive the results of the audit in the summer of 2024.

The audit assesses the functioning of the quality system. The focus of the audit is on the procedures used by the HEI to maintain and enhance the quality of its activities. The audit covers the basic functions of the institution, i.e. education, research, artistic activities and social impact.

To prepare for the audit, Uniarts is compiling materials, which include the university’s self-assessment of the quality assurance system. A dedicated group has been appointed to create the self-assessment report. This group is responsible for producing the content for the self-assessment report, as well as monitoring its progress and completion.

The group has prepared a draft of the self-assessment report, and it is now available for the entire community to provide feedback. The report is in Finnish, but a summary of the self-assessment (Strengths and development areas of Uniarts by area) is provided in English.

Read the English summary of the self-evaluation report and share your comments on the draft through the Surveypal form by November 15th.

The text will be edited based on the received feedback. Please note that the number of characters in the sections has been limited, which is why the text has been condensed to its current size. Concrete suggestions for changes to the text will help in the editing process. The Executive Board of Uniarts will approve the final version of the report to be submitted to Karvi.

More information on the Audit can be found in the Uniarts Helsinki’s Quality Manual