Uniarts Helsinki’s joint studies and mobility studies in autumn 2024 

Uniarts Helsinki offers joint studies that students from all academies and degree programmes can complete, for example in sound art, musical theatre, career skills and entrepreneurship. We are also responsible for continuous learning, which refers to Open University studies and continuing education.  

Uniarts Helsinki’s joint studies

Studies in working life skills and entrepreneurship 

This autumn, students can boost their working life skills through new courses focusing on time management and wellbeing, freelancers’ financial skills, concept development for cultural content and the setting up and management of a co-operative. The selection also includes courses on the artist’s work in the future and online courses on copyright and verbalisation of an artist’s creative skills. There are also courses taught in English about artificial intelligence and community-oriented art.

Browse the entire selection of studies in working life skills in the Study Guide

For more information and study counselling, contact: workinglife@uniarts.fi.  

Language and communication studies 

Hi, new student! All bachelor’s degrees pursued at Uniarts Helsinki include mandatory language and communication studies. Read more about language and communication studies and how to complete them on the Students’ Uniarts website

Uniarts Helsinki also offers optional language courses. We are also members of the KiViTa and KiVANET networks, through which students can apply for language courses offered by other Finnish higher education institutions. Browse optional studies in the Study Guide.

Please remember to fill in a credit transfer application immediately in the beginning of your studies if you have already completed language or communication studies at a higher education institution and want to use them to substitute for Uniarts Helsinki’s studies. Go to the credit transfer information page on the Students’ Uniarts website.

If you need advice on language and communication studies, you can contact kielet@uniarts.fi.  

SAMA (Sound Art & Sonic Arts) 

Are you interested in studying sound art? SAMA (Sound Art & Sonic Arts) is Uniarts Helsinki’s joint study module, which explores sound as a versatile form of contemporary art. SAMA courses are aimed at master’s students, but they are also suitable for bachelor’s students and exchange students. You can complete individual courses of SAMA studies or the whole module. The courses in the module are taught in English.  

Check the SAMA course selection for the 2024–2025 academic year

Open University

Uniarts Helsinki’s degree students who have registered for attendance are entitled to a 50% discount on the course fees for Uniarts Helsinki’s Open University courses. The discount does not apply to teaching provided by partner institutions, such as summer universities and folk high schools. You can check the exact application periods in the university’s course calendar.  

Read more about Uniarts Helsinki’s Open University  

Mobility studies

Mobility studies refer to studies that are organised by the academies and that are available to all Uniarts Helsinki students. You can include mobility studies in your degree as optional studies, for example. You can contact your home academy’s staff to make sure that a specific study unit is suited for your degree. 

You can find the 2024–2025 academic year’s mobility studies in the navigation bar, on the page “Optional studies at Uniarts Helsinki” in the Study Guide.