Visit Finnish schools during your stay in Finland!
Would you like to visit a Finnish school while in Finland?
School visits can be carried out in any classes – in subjects such as languages, history, geography, sports, arts, cooking, biology, religion, and student counselling. You can also take part in a theme day organised by the local school, e.g., an international day.
Your school visit really makes a difference to the pupils!
You don’t need to be a teacher, just a visitor bringing something new to the classroom. During the school visit, you will have a possibility to join lessons, present your country and broaden Finnish pupils’ cultural awareness, and inspire them to study or volunteer abroad. You’ll also gain insight into the Finnish education system.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed, and you’ll receive a certificate of participation.
How to sign up for a visit?
You can register to the Erasmus in Schools programme through the Matching Machine platform. You will receive a notification by email once you have been matched with a school. After that, you can plan your visit together with the teacher.
Read more on our website and follow us on Facebook.
Best regards,
Erasmus in Schools / Finnish National Agency for Education