Welcome to the information and discussion event on quality management system audit Friday 8 March at 9-10 am (Zoom)

The University of the Arts’ quality system will be audited in the spring of 2024. Come and hear what the audit is all about!

The event is an information and discussion session to discuss the objectives and assessment areas of the audit and how the audit will be carried out in practice. Everyone interested in the auditing process is warmly welcome to the event!

The seminar will be recorded and interpreted into English.


  • 9.00 Welcome, Rector Kaarlo Hildén, University of the Arts Helsinki
  • 9.05 Audit objectives and evaluation areas, Professor Hanna-Leena Pesonen, Chair of the Audit Team, University of Jyväskylä
  • 9.25 Audit process and visit, Counsellor of Evaluation Mirella Nordblad, project manager of the audit, FINEEC
  • 9.40 Questions and discussion, Planning Manager Alina Savolainen, project manager of the audit and HR and Service Director Riikka Mäki-Ontto, Audit Project Owner, University of the Arts Helsinki

Join the Zoom meeting through this link