Winter break in Helsinki campus libraries
Winter Holiday Week affects the services of the Helsinki campus libraries from 20 to 26 February 2023.
The Töölö campus library is completely closed during the winter holiday week, including the self-service library. Loans can be returned to a return box located in the lobby of Helsinki Music Centre near the entrance to the Sibelius Academy.
The customer service of the Sörnäinen Campus Library is closed, but the library is open during normal self-service hours: Mon-Fri 8am–9pm, Sat 10am–5pm and Sun 10am–4pm.
Library loans do not fall due during the winter break week. Please remember that you can return material from the Sörnäinen campus library to the Töölö campus library and vice versa.
Using the library services during self-service hours
During the winter break, you can collect the material yourself from the shelves of the Sörnäinen campus library or reserve it, in which case it can be picked up from the reservation shelf. The material can be borrowed using a self-service lending machine.
If you have forgotten the PIN code needed for using the lending machine or if you don’t have one, please see the instructions for setting the PIN-code.
Late fees can be paid online: instructions for online payments.
If you forgot your library card home, you may use the mobile library card. Read the instructions for the use of the mobile library card.
Uniarts Helsinki staff and students can also use their library card via Tuudo mobile app. It is also possible to register as a library user via Tuudo. Here you can read the instructions for Tuudo.
In case of problems, contact the library via email:
Happy winter break!