Jazz orientation period 2024

Orientation period programme for new Jazz students.

Orientation events recommended for exchange students have been marked with an asterisk (*).  

Monday 19.8.2024

9:30–16 First orientation day for all new Uniarts students, R-building concert hall* 

  • Presentation about the university’s values 
  • Orientation period as a whole and its learning outcomes 
  • Presentations about Uniarts Helsinki and its academies 
  • Uniarts Helsinki’s Code of Conduct 
  • The Student Union introduces itself 
  • Student tutors introduce themselves and talk about what tutoring is 
  • Programme organised by the tutors/Student Union 

After 16:00, students can join an optional picnic organised by the Student Union. 

15–17 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

Tuesday 20.8.2024

10–12 Meeting with the jazz degree students (Music Centre, 5th floor)* 

  • Tour in Music Centre and in 5th floor 
  • Keys from the Music Centre’s info desk 

12:00 Lunch at the Music Centre’s student cafeteria.* 

13:00 Info session about the general study practices, held by study planner of the jazz degree programme Hanne Luostarinen (Music Centre, room S4107).* 

Target group: Jazz degree students but Nomazz and exchange students can join if they will 

13–15 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

Wednesday 21.8.2024

10–12 Exchange students’ orientation session, Organo (Music Centre)* 
Target group: exchange students 

11–13 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

13–17 Orientation afternoon 1 for all new Sibelius-Academy students, Black Box (Music Centre)* 
Getting to know the Sibelius Academy and the new students, community building, first rehearsal of the freshers’ choir, information about facilities, music 

Thursday 22.8.2024

11:30–13:30 Freshers’ choir: second rehearsal and performance, R-building chamber music hall & concert hall* 
Rehearsal in the chamber music hall and a performance in the concert hall at the academy’s staff day 

16–18 Info session for new international students of the Sibelius Academy, Camerata (Music Centre)* 

  • Practical information 
  • Cultural orientation 
  • Chance to ask questions & meet student tutors and ambassadors 

Target group: new international students and exchange students 

Friday 23.8.2024

11–13 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

13–15:30 Orientation afternoon 2 for all new Sibelius Academy students, Black Box (Music Centre)* 
Wellbeing lecture, getting to know the new students, community building, music 

Monday 26.8.2024

10–11 Library tour in English, Music Centre (Agora, in front of the library’s entrance)* 

Target group: Nomazz and exchange students 

11–12 Library tour in Finnish, Music Centre (Agora, in front of the library’s entrance) 

Target group: Jazz degree students 

Tuesday 27.8.2024

10:00 Jazz music theory level exam (Music Centre, room S5117)* 

13:00 Jazz ear training level exam (Music Centre, room S5117)* 

Wednesday 28.8.2024

10:00 Welcoming words by department head Jussi Kannaste (Music Centre, room S5104). 

Target group: Jazz degree students 

13:00 Welcoming words by department head Jussi Kannaste (Music Centre, room S5104).* 

Target group: Nomazz and exchange students 

Thursday 29.8.2024

9–15 Personal study planning meetings (30 min/student) with the new jazz degree students, Nomazz and the exchange students. (Music Centre, room S4107).* 

Schedule (room S4107):

  • 09:00 Henriksson
  • 09:30 Häkkinen
  • 10:00 Kaipainen
  • 10:30 Kinnunen
  • 11:00 Kurkela
  • 11:30 Mattsson
  • 12:30 Stanek
  • 13:00 Tikkinen
  • 13:30 Johanson

Friday 30.8.2024

9–15 Personal study planning meetings (30 min/student) with the new jazz degree students, Nomazz and the exchange students. (Music Centre, room S4107).* 

Schedule (room S4107):

  • 11:00 Dang
  • 11:30 Lebas
  • 12:00 Hahn
  • 13:00 Weber
  • 13:30 Nordin
  • 14:00 Usanetashvili


19.8.2024 – 30.8.2024