Music technology orientation period 2024

Orientation period programme for new Music Technology students.

Orientation period programme for the first weeks for the exchange students in Music Technology. In autumn 2024 there are no other new students in the Music Technology degree program. The following orientation sessions are for all new students in the Sibelius Academy except the Music Technology sessions that are only for the new MuTe exchange students. 

Monday 19.8.2024

9:30–16 First orientation day for all new Uniarts students, R-building concert hall 

  • Presentation about the university’s values 
  • Orientation period as a whole and its learning outcomes 
  • Presentations about Uniarts Helsinki and its academies 
  • Uniarts Helsinki’s Code of Conduct 
  • The Student Union introduces itself 
  • Student tutors introduce themselves and talk about what tutoring is 
  • Programme organised by the tutors/Student Union 

After 16:00, students can join an optional picnic organised by the Student Union. 

15–17 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

Tuesday 20.8.2024

11.00 Meeting with the head of the Music Technology degree program, Alejandro Olarte, and the study coordinator Tuulia Ryhänen, Mute corridor, Music Centre 2nd Floor 

12.00 Lunch together (self-paid) at the Music Centre  

13–15 Personal Study Plan meetings (á 30-45 min) with Tuulia, Music Centre/ N-house. 

13–15 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

Wednesday 21.8.2024

10–12 Exchange students’ orientation session, Organo (Music Centre) 

11–13 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

13–17 Orientation afternoon 1 for all new Sibelius-Academy students, Black Box (Music Centre) 
Getting to know the Sibelius Academy and the new students, community building, first rehearsal of the freshers’ choir, information about facilities, music 

Thursday 22.8.2024

11:30–13:30 Freshers’ choir: second rehearsal and performance, R-building chamber music hall & concert hall 
Rehearsal in the chamber music hall and a performance in the concert hall at the academy’s staff day 

16–18 Info session for new international students of the Sibelius Academy, Camerata (Music Centre) 

  • Practical information 
  • Cultural orientation 
  • Chance to ask questions & meet student tutors and ambassadors 

Target group: new international students and exchange students 

Friday 23.8.2024

11–12.00 Library tour, Music Centre (Agora, in front of the library’s entrance) 

11–13 Study services’ drop-in hours, SibA info desk (Music Centre)
Assistance in questions regarding attendance, paper certificates, HSL forms etc.

13–15:30 Orientation afternoon 2 for all new Sibelius Academy students, Black Box (Music Centre) 
Wellbeing lecture, getting to know the new students, community building, music 

Monday 26.8.2024

All mute exchange students begin one of the following courses (agreed in the study plan):  

S-MTC14_24 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Performance, Iso Äänityshuone (Music Centre) 

10–13: 1st session of the day 13-14: Lunch break 14-17: 2nd session of the day 

X-Y11 Finnish 1 – Introductory course (CEFR A1.3), 9–11 online 

Tuesday 27.8.2024

10–17 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Performance/ 9–11 Finnish 1 

Wednesday 28.8.2024

10–17 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Performance/ 9–11 Finnish 1 

Monday 2.9.2024

10–17 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Performance 

Tuesday 3.9.2024

10–17 Introduction to Electroacoustic Music Performance 

Wednesday 4.9.2024

9.00–17.00 Studio introduction courses to Studio Max and Studio Erkki (Olarte) 

Thursday 5.9.2024

9–11 Finnish 1 R-430, R-building 

Friday 6.9.2024

11–14 Music Technology department gathering for all music technology students and staff, Mute corridor/TBA. 

Other mute courses begin week 37. Some additions to the program are possible. 


19.8.2024 – 6.9.2024