Optional studies

In addition to studies that are offered within your degree programme and home academy, you can also complete studies from other units. This page provides a summary of optional studies that are available to Uniarts Helsinki students. 

Your degree includes optional studies, which you can choose from the courses offered by your own degree programme, academy, other academies, Uniarts Helsinki or partner universities.

Mark the optional studies in your PSP

Remember to also register optional courses in your PSP in Peppi. You can add Uniarts Helsinki’s own courses by searching for the course in the study search.

If the optional studies are not offered by Uniarts Helsinki, enter the course in the PSP as a personal course.

Instructions for using the PSP tool in Peppi and adding a personal study unit can be found in Student’s Uniarts.

Academies’ own courses

Some of the optional studies are only offered to students of a certain academy or degree programme.

Optional studies for students of the Academy of Fine Arts

Optional (elective) studies may include independent artistic work and studies that support it, as chosen by the student. The studies may include courses offered by the Academy of Fine Arts and Uniarts Helsinki, as well as other university-level studies. Students must complete at least half of their optional (elective) studies at the Academy of Fine Arts or abroad at an exchange institution approved by the Academy of Fine Arts.

See the optional studies offered by the Academy of Fine Arts in the study guide.

Optional studies for Sibelius Academy’s students

You can find a list of optional studies by academic year in the Sibelius Academy’s study guide. Also check out the Sibelius Academy’s joint studies in well-being, working life and research. At the bottom of your degree structure, you can find suitable options for optional studies.

See the optional studies offered by the Sibelius Academy in the study guide.

Optional studies for Theatre Academy’s students

You can find the optional courses selection in the Theatre Academy’s study guide. Optional studies can also be, for example, artistic work, a course offered by an external party, a literature review or an essay on a certain topic. Agree on the studies in advance with your PSP supervisor.

See the optional studies offered by the Theatre Academy in the study guide.

Optional studies can also be found through:

  • Mobility studies offered by AaltoArts (ELO): application instructions for the courses will be sent to students by email in November and May.
  • Mobility studies offered by NäTy: application instructions for the courses are sent to students by email.

Uniarts Helsinki’s courses

Uniarts Helsinki offers all degree students optional studies that can be chosen regardless of the degree programme.

Uniarts Helsinki’s joint studies

You can complete individual courses or more extensive study modules from Uniarts Helsinki’s joint studies. The joint studies include art studies, working life studies, as well as language and communication studies.

  • Study module in musical theatre
  • English-language study module Sound Art & Sonic Arts (SAMA)
  • Working life studies
  • Optional language studies, also check the KiVANET network’s courses!
  • YOK – Optional studies at Theatre Academy’s Centre for joint studies

Read more about joint studies in the study guide.

Mobility studies

Mobility studies refer to teaching organised by Uniarts Helsinki’s academies, which is available to all students. The course offering may vary from one academic year to another.

Learn more about mobility studies in the study guide.

Open University studies

Degree students can participate in some of Uniarts Helsinki’s Open University courses free of charge. These courses have quotas for degree students.

See the free courses offered by the Open University in the study guide.

In addition, attending degree students receive a discount on all Uniarts Helsinki Open University studies. The discount is granted on the study fee of courses organised by Uniarts Helsinki and the administration fee of courses organised by partner institutions. Read more about the fees and terms on the Open University website.

JOO studies

You can still apply for studies organised by other Finnish universities with a flexible study right (JOO) during the spring semester 2025. JOO studies can still be completed in the autumn semester 2025 and spring semester 2026 (until 31.7.2026). Instructions for applying for JOO studies can be found in Student’s Uniarts.

Summer studies

The summer studies guide brings together courses from all existing courses that can be completed during the summer, i.e. in May, June and August. The guide includes courses that are suitable for optional studies, but also compulsory studies included in degrees. Read more detailed information by opening the course information in the study guide.

See the summer courses in the study guide (updated every spring).

Application and registration

You can check the registration periods for each unit’s teaching in Student’s Uniarts. Detailed teaching and enrolment schedules, as well as possible application instructions, are provided for each implementation in the study guide. Register for the courses in Peppi or Tuudo.

If you have more detailed questions about the content of the studies or registration, please contact the person in charge of the course or study services.