The­atre Acad­emy alum­ni’s right to book fa­cil­i­ties

As a recent graduate, you have the right to book the university’s facilities free of charge for your own practice sessions and rehearsals when they are not used for the university’s activities.

Alumni can book available rooms in the Peppi or Tuudo system.   

Validity of the right to book facilities

You can book a room five days in advance at most and for ten hours per week at most.  

Expiry of the right to book facilities

You have the right to book facilities for a period of two academic years after graduation at most. If you graduate within the normative duration of studies, your right to book facilities will stay valid for the duration of your graduation term and for the following two years. If you graduate within two years of the normative duration of studies, your right to book facilities will stay valid for the duration of your graduation term and for the following year.   
If you have completed a doctoral degree, your right to book facilities will stay valid for the duration of your graduation term and for the following two years.  

Do not charge fees or rent the facilities to a third party

When you book a facility free of charge, you are not allowed to charge any entrance, course or participation fees or to rent the facility onward to a third party. You can use the facilities in Kookos only during the building’s opening hours.   

Apply for the right to book facilities

You can apply for the right to book facilities using the same form that you use for applying for your degree certificate.  

Facilities that can be reserved

  • Dance studio KO-522   
  • Dance studio KO-523   
  • Dance studio KO-702   
  • Dance studio KO-709   
  • Sports room KO-512   
  • Sports hall KO-525   
  • Sports hall KO-526   
  • Sports hall KO-527   
  • Sports room KO-615   
  • Lecture room KO-403   
  • Lecture room KO-404   
  • Lecture room KO-408
  • Lecture room KO-410   
  • Voice usage classroom KO-409   
  • Group work KO-505   
  • Group work KO-511   
  • Group work KO-607   
  • Group work KO-614  
  • Vocal classroom KO-422    
  • Vocal classroom KO-423   
  • Vocal classroom KO-424   
  • Rehearsal hall KO-531   
  • Rehearsal hall KO-535 

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