Uniarts Helsinki’s email etiquette

Information on what you should consider when sending emails to either individual employees or students or to a large group of recipients.

Main points of the email etiquette

  • Nobody needs to read or reply to messages in the evenings or during the weekends.
  • Email lists are intended for informing people of matters of the university and the academies, not for discussing matters collectively or for giving feedback.
  • Email lists should not be used for sharing political messages. The use of email lists for political activities is only permitted in university elections and in the activities of student organisations related to the Student Union or in trade union activities.
  • Try to arrange things so that you only send emails on weekdays. Nobody needs to read or reply to messages in the evenings or during the weekends. 
  • Many people’s inbox is absolutely flooded with emails, so always try to take a moment to consider who definitely needs to be informed of the matter at hand and who does not. Do not add people as recipients just in case. 
  • If you are replying to a message that was sent to you via an email list, it is best to send your personal questions and comments only to the sender of the original message, not to the entire email list.