Working life experience and other projects for orchestra students

Students have plenty of opportunities to play in various situations and to integrate these projects into their studies.


Repertoire is regularly selected for orchestra periods, which also offers soloist assignments to students. The aim is to design the repertoire so that the representatives of different instrument groups have access to soloist assignments. Soloists are mainly selected through auditions. In addition, auditions for orchestra musicians are organised for special projects and apprenticeship training as needed. Auditions and audition assignments are reported in the Teams subject groups of the department, in the OPAS system and by email.

Further information: Anna Rombach, +358407104333,


Both HKO and RSO annually select students from the Sibelius Academy’s orchestral instruments as apprentices, who can participate in orchestra activities under the supervision of professional musicians. The aim is to provide students with valuable working life experience.

The apprenticeship training for wind instrument musicians is also organised in cooperation with Tapiola Sinfonietta and also the apprenticeship training for trumpets in cooperation with the Finnish National Opera.

S-IO35 Apprenticeship training for string instruments RSO and HKO

RSO’s apprenticeship training will be organised during the autumn season, and the apprenticeship training will always be organised during the spring. Audition times and detailed information are provided separately.

S-IO29 Apprenticeship training for wind instruments RSO and HKO

Auditions are arranged by instrument. More information on auditions and the programme from the teachers coordinating the instruments. The list of names and contact information can be found in the OPAS system.

Further information: Anna Rombach +358407104333,

After participation in the apprenticeship training, you can fill in the form in OPAS.

Degree orchestra and credits

Orchestras compiled for degrees (S-IO15) can receive 1/2 to 2 study credits when the musicians do not receive a remuneration. The number of credits depends on the complexity of the work, the number of rehearsals and the amount of time spent on rehearsals. The candidate must find out which students want degree orchestra credits and then submit a list of these students to the orchestra office.

The degree orchestra musician must personally check whether they have already received credits from the degree orchestra, as the study unit can only be completed once for the degree.

Send the following information to the orchestra office by email;

  • Candidate, instrument
  • Orchestrated work/ works
  • Rehearsal times
  • Degree, date, place
  • Conductor

When planning your degree schedules, always make sure that the project does not overlap with orchestra activities! Contact us well in advance to find out the schedules: Márta Schmidt +358504723178, and Anna Rombach +358407104333,

Using the form below, the candidate coordinates and informs the planning officer of students who wish for credits.