Give feedback
Find out how and why feedback is collected and how your feedback is making an impact.
Feedback form
Use this form to give feedback about anything at all. You can give feedback either with your own name or anonymously. The people handling your feedback are determined based on the topic of your feedback.
Inappropriate treatment and conflict situations
Our shared guidelines help you act if you come across any inappropriate behaviour.
Guidelines in cases of conflicts and inappropriate treatment
What to do and who to contact if you experience inappropriate treatment.
Guide on wellbeing: Where do you draw the line? Healthy boundaries in interactions
Information on where to draw the line between inappropriate and appropriate treatment in the university community and on how to react when observing inappropriate behaviour.
Report misconduct with an encrypted message
Uniarts Helsinki has a confidential feedback channel which is based on the EU Whistleblower Directive.
Information about collecting and giving feedback
Read more about different kinds of feedback we collect, for example related to individual courses or the financially important Bachelor’s Graduate Survey.
How student feedback is collected
What are the key feedback methods and how does the university assure quality in its operations.