Guidelines in cases of conflicts and inappropriate treatment
What to do and who to contact if you experience inappropriate treatment.
Uniarts Helsinki does not tolerate inappropriate behaviour. This means the following:
- no form of inappropriate or unequal treatment or communication will be tolerated
- anyone who sees or faces inappropriate treatment must address the matter immediately
- no kind of misuse of power is allowed
- the entire organisation is invested in the prevention of bullying and harassment
- situations that are brought to the attention of the employer will be settled promptly and properly
What can I do if I experience inappropriate treatment?
Act immediately
If you find another person’s behaviour inappropriate, it is best to act immediately. First bring up the matter with the person in question, say that you do not approve of their actions and ask them to stop. If you find that the inappropriate treatment continues even after addressing the matter, take the matter forward.
Address the situation
It may feel difficult to address the situation, but by doing so, you will contribute to promoting the culture of proper and respectful conduct, which is very brave and important. Do not forget that that there is help available for you (check the section Contact persons and their responsibilities); you do not have to take the matter forward alone.
Explain what exactly you thought constituted inappropriate treatment in the person’s actions
When you are having the conversation with the person, explain what exactly you thought constituted inappropriate treatment in the person’s actions. Describe to the person what aspect in their behaviour you thought was out of line. Say to the person that you do not approve of their actions and ask them to stop. It may be that the person does not understand that they are acting in an offensive way. In the best-case scenario, inappropriate treatment will stop already at this point.
If the situation is threatening, leave and/or ask another person to join you. In an emergency, call the emergency number 112.
Write down what happened
Write down what happened, when it happened and who were present in the situation. Documentation helps in solving the matter, because it provides clear material stating what exactly has happened and what people have considered inappropriate behaviour.
You can take the matter forward even when you have not been able to talk about the matter directly to the person who has behaved inappropriately. However, it is important to try to intervene as soon as possible after the situation so that matters will not get out of hand and become even more complex, making it more challenging to address them.
Don’t struggle with the matter alone
Do not blame yourself for the situation or struggle with the matter alone. There are various different members of the university community whose special job duty it is to provide support in taking the matter forward.
You can read the section “Contact persons and their responsibilities” to find out which role each of these persons has. After a report on inappropriate treatment, the person in charge of the investigation process has the obligation to take measures within two weeks.
University employees are bound by confidentiality when it comes to confidential information pursuant to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities, and personal data of the parties involved must be processed in a careful manner. Discussions with the Student Union’s harassment contact persons are also strictly confidential.
If you suspect that you have fallen victim of a crime, report the offence to the police.
If a person falsely states that they have been treated inappropriately, that, too, is inappropriate treatment.
Process for students when the person being accused of inappropriate treatment is a university staff member
Act immediately
Try to address the matter immediately with the person involved. If the inappropriate treatment continues despite your intervention, report it immediately either in person or by email to the Service and Personnel Manager of your academy. They must begin investigating the matter within two weeks. In the best-case scenario, the matter is resolved already at this point.
Discussions about the matter
The academy’s Service and Personnel Manager looks into the matter: discussions
- The parties are contacted and heard separately.
- Things that must be determined: What happened? Where and when did it happen and between whom? What did the parties do? Did the incident reoccur? If so, how?
- If possible, a joint discussion with all the parties involved will be organised. The purpose of the discussion is to have the parties share their experiences and agree on how to act in the future (the participants are given time to prepare for the discussion, at least 2 days)
- The student may have a support person with them in the discussions (e.g. the Student Union’s harassment contact person).
If no inappropriate treatment has occurred, the academy’s Service and Personnel Manager will
inform the person who had made the report on the conclusion and why it was made and offers
guidance on how to resolve common conflicts.
If inappropriate treatment has occurred, the measures and related follow-up are agreed upon:
Service and Personnel Manager
- Compiles a memorandum on the agreed-upon measures, this will be delivered to both parties.
- Talks to the parties and agrees on to what extent and how the matter will be communicated to the university community.
- Monitors the progress and how well the agreements are kept.
Follow-up meeting / meetings (3 months from the conclusion at the latest):
- The Service and Personnel Manager ensures that the inappropriate treatment has come to an end and that the agreement has been respected.
Inpparopriate behavior continues
If the person continues to behave inappropriately, the Service and Personnel Manager
examines the need for further action:
- Contacting the head of the degree programme/department/subject area and the dean
- Assessment of the follow-up measures
- Looking into the follow-up measures (arrangements concerning work duties or working
- hours, transfers etc.)
- If a discussion on the matter and a joint agreement do not help in ending the inappropriate treatment, or if the act has been so serious that it requires the employer’s disciplinary measures, the supervisor may issue a written reprimand to the person who has behaved in an inappropriate way. Issuance of a written warning that may constitute grounds for termination of an employment contract requires that the employee is first heard. The decision to issue a written warning to an employee is made by a representative of the employer with the proper authority (= not everyone has the authority to issue a written warning despite having the role of a supervisor). These representatives include the Rector, Deans, HR and Service Director and the Personnel Managers of the academies/units.
Peace is restored or the issuance of a warning leads to the termination of the teacher’s employment contract
If the inappropriate treatment is serious and/or continuous, it may lead to the termination of the
person’s employment. An employee’s employment may be terminated by dismissing the employee
or by cancelling the employment contract.
If bullying or harassment involves an intentional violation of a person’s physical integrity, or a
threat of violation, the employee / student may report the offence to the police.
The university has written guidelines drawn up in cooperation with the student healthcare officials
for preventing the use of narcotics by students and for intervening in drug problems. If the matter
involves a student’s substance abuse problem, the case is dealt with according to the appropriate
Process for students when the person being accused of inappropriate treatment is a student
Act immediately
Try to address the matter immediately with the person involved.
If the inappropriate treatment continues despite your intervention, report the inappropriate behaviour either in person or by email to the teacher-in-charge and/or the head of the degree programme/department/subject area. They must take measures within two weeks. In the bestcase scenario, the matter is resolved already at this point.
If no measures are taken within two weeks, contact the Head of Academic Affairs.
Inappropriate treatment continues
If inappropriate treatment continues, the Head of Academic Affairs looks into what has happened and arranges
- The parties are contacted and heard separately.
- Things that must be determined: What happened? Where and when did it happen and between whom? What did the parties do? Did the incident reoccur? If so, how?
- If possible, a joint discussion with all the parties involved will be organised. The purpose of the discussion is to have the parties share their experiences and agree on how to act in the future (the participants are given time to prepare for the discussion, at least 2 days)
- The student may have a support person with them in the discussions (e.g. the Student Union’s harassment contact person).
- Consultation of a legal counsel, FSHS, or other university representatives, if necessary.
- In particularly serious cases, it may be necessary to give the student an opportunity to be heard and then take disciplinary action in accordance with section 45 in the Universities Act.
If no inappropriate treatment has occurred, the Head of Academic Affairs will inform the person
who had made the report on the conclusion and why it was made and offers guidance on how to
resolve common conflicts.
If inappropriate treatment has occurred, the measures and related follow-up are agreed upon:
Head of Academic Affairs.
- compiles a memorandum on the agreed-upon measures, this will be delivered to both
- parties.
- Talks to the parties and agrees on to what extent and how the matter will be communicated to the university community.
- Monitors the progress and how well the agreements are kept.
Follow-up meeting / meetings (3 months from the conclusion at the latest):
- The Head of Academic Affairs ensures that the inappropriate treatment has come to an end and that the agreement has been respected.
If the person continues to behave inappropriately, the Head of Academic Affairs examines the need
for further action. Assessment of the follow-up measures.
If reprehensible behaviour reoccurs
Peace is restored or the university launches a disciplinary process for the student (if their
reprehensible behaviour reoccurs) before making a decision on disciplinary measures in accordance
with the Universities Act.
The university takes disciplinary action:
The Rector makes the decision about a warning.
A) A student may be given a written warning if they:
- disrupt teaching,
- behave violently or threateningly or
- act under false pretences or
- otherwise disrupt order at the university.
Disruption of university activities
- The university environment comprises the teaching and learning environment and the environments for research and artistic activities.
- The physical teaching and learning facilities meant for the university’s teaching, studies and services supporting these functions, such as common areas, lecture halls, workshops, student service desks and libraries as well as virtual teaching and learning platforms and university-related social media channels.
- The inappropriate behaviour must be connected to the university environment
B) Suspension from the university for a maximum of one year (section 45 in the Universities Act). A decision on temporary suspension is made by the University Board
If the inappropriate treatment also constitutes a criminal offence, the offence is always reported directly to the police by the person involved. The offence is reported to the police by the university if the matter concerns disruption of university activities / damage to the university’s property.
Guidelines for personnel
Contact persons and their responsibilities
Equality and Non-Discrimination Coordinator
- Mia Seppälä,
- Easy-access peer support and conversational support for all members of the university community
- Provides advice and support for the student or staff member in taking the matter forward in accordance with the university’s processes
- Monitors and ensures the progress of the investigation process
- Is in charge of organising necessary training for supervisors and other members of the university
Non-discrimination contact persons
Sörnäinen Campus: Kati Autere,
Töölö Campus (incl. Kuopio and Seinäjoki Units): Tuula Kivistö,
- Easy-access peer support and conversational support for the staff
- Provide advice and support for the staff member who has experienced harassment or other inappropriate treatment in taking the matter forward in accordance with the university’s processes
- Monitors and ensures the progress of the investigation process
Student Union’s harassment contact persons
- Easy-access peer support, conversational support for students
- Provides advice and support for the student who has experienced harassment or other inappropriate treatment in taking the matter forward in accordance with the university’s processes
- May also participate in meetings with the university staff in the role of a support person
- The harassment contact persons do not have formal competence in situations that involve inappropriate treatment, but they provide support and advice on how to take the matter forward to a member of Uniarts Helsinki’s staff, who has the right and obligation to take measures.
Study psychologists
Conversations and advice for students on how to take the matter forward
University chaplain
Conversations and advice for all members of the university community on how to take the matter forward
Lisa Enckell
+358 50 533 1562
HR and Service Director
- Provides support for the staff in resolving harassment situations, especially if inappropriate behaviour reoccurs – examines the need for further action
- Competent representative of the employer
- Riikka Mäki-Ontto,
Personnel Managers
- They provide support for the staff in resolving harassment situations, especially if inappropriate behaviour reoccurs – and examine the need for further action
- They are competent representatives of the employer
- They ensure the appropriate management of the process
Academy of Fine Arts: Sanna Yliheljo,
Sibelius Academy: Heli Grönholm,
Theatre Academy: Laura Jännes,
Heads of Academic Affairs
- Provide support for supervisors in resolving harassment cases especially when a student is involved: ensures the appropriate management of the process
Academy of Fine Arts: Pinja Metsäranta,
Sibelius Academy: Susanna Ketola,
Theatre Academy: Sanna Suonsyrjä,
Legal counsel of the university
Provides support for both the supervisor and the Personnel Managers and Heads of Academic Affairs in the management of the process
FSHS Occupational healthcare
Provides support for both the possible victim of harassment / inappropriate treatment and the harassment suspect if either person so wishes.
More information
Mia Seppälä
Specialist, Personnel services, University of the Arts