How to credit transfer studies or prior learning
You can apply for the credit transfer of previously completed studies or prior learning as part of your degree (recognition and validation of prior learning). As a rule, you do not need to study things that you already know at Uniarts Helsinki.
Apply for credit transfer at the beginning of your studies
You can apply for credit transfer of prior studies or prior learning to your degree with a separate application. Before filling in the application, you can discuss credit transfer in connection with personal study plan guidance if you wish. It is recommended that credit transfers be applied for immediately at the beginning of the studies.
Fill in the application form carefully. Attach to the application a certificate, transcript of records or other account of previously completed studies or prior learning. The transcript of records must show the name of the course, its scope, grade and date of completion.
What studies or competences can be credit transferred?
You can credit transfer
- studies completed at other universities or higher education institutions
- competence acquired outside formal education (e.g., work experience)
Previously completed studies or competence can be used to apply for compensation for compulsory studies in the degree structure. In this case, the content of previous studies or competence must correspond to the studies to be compensated for in the degree structure. It is also possible to include previously completed studies or acquired competence as the optional studies in the degree structure.
To be noted on credit transfer
- At least half of your current degree programme studies must be completed at Uniarts Helsinki.
- Theses included in the degrees or their components or the maturity essay cannot be replaced by studies completed elsewhere.
- The study attainment to be credit transferred may not be completed more than 10 years earlier (the Academy may decide on shorter expiry periods).
- Academies may issue more detailed regulations on credit transfer.
- Does not generate credits to be taken into account in monitoring the progress of studies by Kela.
Decision on credit transfer
The decision on credit transfer is made by the study unit’s or module’s teacher-in-charge and/or the head of the degree programme or department. If your application is accepted, the completion is recorded in Peppi and you will see the entry under your completed courses. If the application is not accepted or it is partially approved, you may be required to supplement the study attainment, the details will be entered in the Student Peppi under My Studies -> Agreements. You will also be notified by email.
A request for rectification may be submitted within 14 days of the notification on the decision.
Instructions for submitting a request for rectification
Request an appeal in writing (e.g., by email) from the University of the Arts Helsinki Academic Appeals Board within 14 days of receiving the decision. You will be deemed to have been notified of the decision 3 days after the email was sent or 7 days after the letter was sent, unless demonstrated otherwise.
The appeal request must reach the university’s registry by the due date. As the applicant you are responsible for ensuring that the appeal reaches the registry in time.
The address of the Academic Appeals Board of the University of the Arts Helsinki:
University of the Arts Helsinki Academic Appeals Board
P.O. Box 38
00097 University of the Arts Helsinki
The appeal request must state the following:
- Name and contact information (address, email address and telephone number)
- Information on when you received the decision
- Decision
- What kind of amendment are you applying for
- The grounds for the appeal request (including copies of any documents that you as the student are using to support the appeal).
Credit transfer at Sibelius Academy
Principles of credit transfer
The prior study attainment used as the basis for credit transfer may not be more than 10
years old. The time of completion is the original completion date. Older studies or competence acquired in some other way may be credit transferred if the student ensures that their competence is up to date with proficiency tests, competence-based tests or other agreed upon methods organised by Sibelius Academy.
Studies in the subject to be taught
Studies in the subject to be taught in subject teacher studies or some of the studies may be replaced by a similar study module completed elsewhere or studies included in a similar study module if the studies are a compulsory part of a degree that is under way at Sibelius Academy.
Qualification studies in the church musician’s profession
The qualification studies required by the Church Council and required for the church musician’s profession or some of the studies may be replaced by equivalent studies or competence completed elsewhere.
Teachers’ pedagogical studies (other than the Degree Programme in Music Education)
If a student has completed the 60-credit module of teachers’ pedagogical studies as non-degree studies or as part of some other degree completed at a higher education institution, the student can include these studies in the bachelor’s and/or master’s degree that they are pursuing at the Sibelius Academy.
However, teachers’ pedagogical studies do not substitute mandatory study units in instrument or vocal pedagogy that are required for Sibelius Academy degrees or the Practicum study unit. Students must either complete these studies or demonstrate that they have already acquired the competence related to these studies.
If a student has completed some of the teachers’ pedagogical studies but not the entire 60-credit study module, the student can apply to have the credits for their previously completed studies be transferred to the degree/degrees that they are pursuing at the Sibelius Academy.
However, pedagogical studies that have been completed elsewhere do not substitute mandatory study units in instrument or vocal pedagogy that are required for Sibelius Academy degrees or the Practicum study unit. Students must either complete these studies or demonstrate that they have already acquired the competence related to these studies.
Decisions on transferring credits for other study units included in the module of teachers’ pedagogical studies (60 cr) are made by the teachers-in-charge of the study units in question.
Studies completed in student exchange
Studies completed in student exchange and approved in the student’s learning agreement are regarded as studies completed at Sibelius Academy. The student must be registered as an attending student for the duration of the student exchange.
Prior competence to be recognised in connection with teaching
Recognition of competence can also be carried out in connection with teaching. A teacher at the Sibelius Academy can recognise the prior learning acquired by a student and give a student on their course a completion mark if the teacher recognises that the student already masters the topic in accordance with the learning outcomes of the study unit. This study attainment is recorded in the register as completed at Sibelius Academy.
Competence validated in a competence-based test
If the student demonstrates competence corresponding to the learning outcomes of the study unit to the teacher or a board by means of a competence-based test, proficiency test or similar, the study unit’s (or a part of it) is considered to be completed at Sibelius Academy.
Credit transfer of new students’ competences at the beginning of their studies
Departments can organise proficiency tests for new students. These tests comply with the learning outcomes of study units according to the degree requirements. If the student passes the proficiency test, it will be entered in records as completing the corresponding study unit. Departments will inform new students of their own procedures.
More information on credit transfer
Read the official decisions on:
- general guidelines for the recognition or prior learning (in Finnish)
- credit transfer of language and communication studies