Instructions for group studies at the Sibelius Academy
General guidelines for group teaching, which must be followed when registering for a course. The guidelines also provide guidelines related to remote and hybrid teaching.
Other supplementary instructions
In addition, degree programmes may also have their own supplementary instructions. Each individual course unit may also have its own guidelines, which are communicated to the students when lessons begin.
Instructions related to course units
When lessons begin, the teacher is obliged to provide instructions for completing the course unit, such as the required attendances, practices for replacing absences and schedules for completing the assignments. The instructions can also be made available on the Moodle platform used for the course unit.
Registration for course units and accepting a spot
- Register for course units during separately mentioned registration periods in Peppi.
- At the end of the registration period, the registration is either approved or rejected. Please follow the status of your registration in Peppi yourself. If the course unit requires you to have completed specific studies, these study credits must be registered before the registration can be approved.
- At the end of the registration period, before the start of the course unit, you can ask the planning officer of the degree programme/department that arranges the course unit about possible vacancies. Registrations made during the registration period are processed first.
- To confirm your participation in the course unit, please be at the very first lesson. If cannot come to the lesson due to an insurmountable obstacle, notify the teacher immediately when you know.
Cancelling a registration
If you are unable to participate in the study unit for which you have registered, cancel your registration in Peppi. This is possible until your registration has been approved/rejected. If you need to cancel your registration after this, notify the planning officer of your degree programme/department and the teacher of the course unit.
Notifying about cancellations is important so that a person in the queue might get a place in the course unit.
Participation and absences in the course unit
- Always arrive to lessons and study sessions on time. If you are running late, notify the teacher.
- Group study sessions require regular attendance. Any absences also affect the activities of others in your group.
- The amount of compulsory attendance may vary by course unit. The teacher will inform you of this when the teaching begins.
- You are responsible for planning your own schedule and timetable. Please note that the schedules of compulsory study units always take precedence over those selected freely. Approved reasons for absence also do not include, for example, gigs or work.
- If you have to be absent due to an illness or other reason, contact the course unit’s teacher as soon as you are aware of your absence.
- Check with the teacher whether you can compensate for your absence and achieve the required competence, for example, by working independently.
- The teaching times and group divisions of the course unit are not adjusted according to the students’ personal schedules.
- Please remember that you can also supplement your competence after graduation under your continued right to study. This can might make it easier for you to arrange your own timetable and to eliminate overlaps during your studies.
Completing assignments related to the study unit
- Please complete the assignments of the course unit, the assignments that compensate for absences, and any other work by the deadline agreed with the teacher.
- If no deadline has been set, the assignments must be submitted by the end of the term.
- If the study unit and its assignments have not been completed by the deadline, the teacher marks the study unit as failed.
- If you have failed a study unit due to overdue assignments or absences, contact the teacher as soon as possible and find out how you could complete the study unit. If the teacher is no longer available, you must agree with the director of the department/degree programme that organises the teaching on how to complete the course.
Completion of the study unit and credits
The assessments of completed courses will be announced in Peppi no later than four weeks after the course is completed.
Please follow the progress of your studies regularly in Peppi. If you have not received the credits you deserve from the study unit, please contact the teacher as soon as possible.
Remote and hybrid teaching
The study unit can be implemented as contact teaching, remote teaching or a combination of these. The form of instruction is influenced by the content and learning outcomes of the study unit.
If the teaching sessions are organised entirely remotely or hybridly, or if there is a possibility to participate remotely, the teacher will notify you of this when lessons start. Remote participation opportunities will not be arranged in the middle of the course unit.
The teacher is not obliged to organise remote participation on the wishes of individual students.
One-to-one teaching can be implemented either as face-to-face or remote teaching if that teaching method suits both the teacher and the student. If they cannot reach an agreement on the method, contact teaching is the primary solution.
If necessary, the percentage of one-to-one teaching hours that can be studied remotely can be determined by subject group/degree programme or subject area.