IT systems for orchestra studies
All information related to orchestra periods can be found in the OPAS system, for which you need a separate user ID. Peppi offers all services related to the planning of studies.
Orchestra periods are administered through the OPAS system, which is also used by most professional orchestras. Musicians can find projects in which they are placed, schedules, repertoire, players, seating arrangements, project-specific announcements, updates and links. The system can be accessed through both computers and mobile devices with personal IDs obtained at the beginning of the orchestra studies.
New students will receive their OPAS ID to their uniarts email address by 31 August 2022. Please note that your OPAS ID is different from your Uniarts user ID because the OPAS is not part of the Uniarts Helsinki IT systems. You will also receive instructions on how to sign in with the ID.
If you have any questions about the OPAS system or need help with it, please contact orchestra planning officer Márta Schmidt,
Peppi provides the student with key services related to study planning. In Peppi, you can prepare a personal study plan, view your own completed courses, register for teaching, order official certificates of student status and make facility reservations related to studying.
At the beginning of the academic year, you can also register for the study unit S-IO34 Orchestra course: INFO 22-23.
Course feedback on orchestra studies is provided in Tuudo, which you can access from the Peppi homepage.
The Moodle learning platform is only used in individual study units. We provide information on the use of Moodle separately.