Printing on campus

Students can use multi-function printers to copy, scan and print documents on campus.

Locations of multi-function printers for students on campus

Töölö Campus

  • M Building: 3rd, 5th and 7th floor and the library
  • N Building: 3rd floor 
  • R Building: 3rd and 4th floor 

Sörnäinen campus

  • Kookos: 4th floor and library 
  • Sörnäinen, Mylly: 2nd floor 

Secure printing

Secure printing means that the user sends the document that they want printed from their computer to the joint printing queue of a Uniarts Helsinki multi-function printer and then goes to the multi-function printer of their choice and has the document printed.  

The document that you have sent for printing can be released from the printing queue on all multi-function printers on campus once you have logged in with your username and password or showed your printing card.  

How to log in to a multi-function printer

Users can log in to a multi-function printer by entering their personal username and password or by showing their printing card to the machine. If you log in to the device using your username and password, enter your username by following the format abc12345.  

Once you are logged in, you can select the file that you have sent for printing on the screen of the multi-function printer and then print it.   

You can also copy paper documents on a multi-function printer or convert paper documents to digital format, i.e. scan them. You can send the scanned documents to your uniarts email.  

Always remember to log off the multi-function printer that you have used by pressing the exit button on the screen or by showing your card to the reader a second time.  

Printing cards

You can speed up your login to the multi-function printer by acquiring a printing card. Once you have registered the card on the multi-function printer, you will no longer have to enter your username and password on the machine and can log in by showing your card to the card reader on the printer.   

Usually, people use their HSL travel card as their printing card. Do not register other cards for multi-function printers.  If you don’t have an HSL travel card, you can request a keychain tag from the IT helpdesk. Helpdesks are located in the Musiikkitalo info and in the lobby on the 3rd floor of Kookos.

How to register a travel card as a printing card

You can register your HSL travel card as your printing card on any one of the multi-function printers by following these instructions:  

  • Tap your travel card on the card reader, which is located on the front side of the multi-function printer.   
  • Enter your personal uniarts username (follow the format abc12345) and password on the multi-function printer and press ok.   
  • Once you have done this, the card is ready for use. 

How to use a multi-function printer 

You can use the multi-function printers on campus for copying, scanning and printing files that you have sent to the printing queue. First, log in to a multi-function printer either with your printing card or by entering your username and password.   

When you are on your Uniarts Helsinki work computer, you can select “turvatulostus” (secure printing) as the printer, in which case your document is added to the printing queue on all multi-function printers on campus.   

When you are on your personal computer, it is not possible to select secure printing as your printer, and instead, you need to send your document to a multi-function printer on campus by email.  

How to print from your own device on a multi-function printer

 When you want to use a multi-function printer for printing from your personal computer, you can use so-called mobile printing:  

  • Send the file that you want printed as a pdf file from your own uniarts email to the email address  
  • Log in to the multi-function printer and select the file that you want to print from the printing queue.  
  • The printing queue for mobile printing includes both the sent email message and the file that was attached to it. Select the pdf file for printing, unless there is some content in the email that you want to print, as well.  
  • Remember that mobile printing only allows black and white printing on one side of the paper. If you want to select other printing options, you must use a Uniarts Helsinki computer for printing, e.g. a device that is in shared use.  

Students do not have a printing quota

Student can print on all devices, and there is no separate printing quota. However, printing is only allowed in matters related to studies. Digital services monitor users’ print volumes regularly and any misuse is addressed immediately.

If you run into problems 

If you need help with using multi-function printers, you can contact the IT Helpdesk by calling 0294 47 2200 or by email to   

If the printer is out of or low on paper, you can add more paper to the paper tray. If there is no paper available near the printer, please contact the building’s attendant.  

The IT team replaces old toner cartridges on multi-function printers and network printers.  

In case of a problem that requires maintenance, please contact Unigrafia. The contact information is provided on a maintenance sticker placed on the printer. 

Watch a video tutorial on printing and copying 

Eco-conscious printing choices 

Try to make eco-conscious printing choices:   

  • only print when you need the document in paper form   
  • only print the pages you absolutely need  
  • you can consider the option of printing documents as pdf files, which can be read on most devices  
  • prioritise black-and-white and double-sided printouts   
  • use colour printing only when it is necessary; the cost of a colour printout is 4 times the cost of a black-and-white printout  
  • if you are planning to print multiple pages on one sheet of paper, make sure that the layout works on one page before printing several pages.