Decision-making concerning students
Where are decisions made regarding study-related matters and how are they regulated, how can I influence, and what kind of compensation is paid to student representatives.
Where and how can a student influence
University decision-making bodies and influencing
How official decisions are made within the university, what the highest decision-making bodies are and how students can personally influence decisions that concern them.
Remuneration paid to students
As a student, you can receive compensation for participating in meetings, tutoring, extra-curricular artistic activities, or other types of support provided to the university.
Uniarts Student Union
In the University of the Arts Student Union, you can get involved in the activities in many different ways: in the Council deciding on major issues, in the Board running practical activities, in university administration as a student representative, in academy committees and department clubs as an active member or at events as a volunteer.
Decisions and guidelines
Right to study
Degrees in the University of the Arts Helsinki, duration of studies and applying extension for the study time.
Changing, losing, or renouncing of the right to study. Continued right to study after graduation. -
University regulations and legislation
Learn more about the documents that steer our operations, such as the Uniarts Helsinki Regulations and the university legislation.
Student appeals and rectification rights
What kind of decisions does the university make concerning students and how can I request rectification of decisions that concern me?
Uniarts Helsinki’s ethical guidelines for education and studies and procedures for misconduct and disciplinary cases
Ethical guidelines for studying, information on good study practice and examples of violations of these practices. Procedures for suspected misconduct and disciplinary cases.