Remuneration paid to students

Information on remuneration that is paid to Uniarts Helsinki students.

Meeting fees

Meeting fees are paid twice each academic year at the end of the term. Information on the amount of the meeting fees is provided below. 

Degree students at Uniarts Helsinki also have the option of applying for credits for positions of trust or tasks in an organisation. 

University collegium

Students are paid 40 euros / meeting for their participation in university collegium meetings. The remuneration for participation in unofficial collegium meetings and workshops is 25 euros / meeting. 

Committees, bodies and working groups

A representative appointed by the Student Union or its division may participate in meetings in university-level or academy-specific bodies, committees and working groups. These include e.g. the university council, academic appeals board, steering groups and project groups, recruitment panels, academy boards, academic councils and their divisions and faculty councils. The remuneration is 25 euros / meeting (2h). 

If a meeting lasts more than two hours, a total of 12.5 euros is paid for each extra hour or part thereof.

Acting as a tutor

The remuneration for acting as a tutor is 200 euros. Tutors are also awarded 2 credits for their work. Remuneration is paid if the student carries out the agreed-upon tasks and participates in tutor training. 

If you act as a tutor another time, meaning for a different group following the year of tutor training, the remuneration is 200 euros. In this case, you will not be awarded credits again. Participation in training is agreed upon separately. 

Students are awarded credits for artistic activities that are related to their studies in accordance with the curriculum and study unit description. Credits are awarded only for studies that are part of the student’s curriculum and that promote the student’s learning and completion of the degree. 

The remuneration for a non-study-related performance or piece that is featured in an event organised by Uniarts Helsinki or its academy is 75-150 euros per performance or piece. The amount is agreed upon on a case-by-case basis. In joint events of the university, the remuneration is equal regardless of the art form. 

Acting as a student member in a recruitment panel

The remuneration paid for serving as a student member appointed by the Student Union in a recruitment panel for a lecturer or professor recruitment process is 300 euros per recruitment process. 

Acting as a Student Union’s contact person for harassment cases

You will be paid 200 euros for acting as a peer support person for students who have experienced harassment at the end of your one-year term. Remuneration is paid if the contact person successfully carries out the agreed-upon tasks, participates in training and submits a report on their work. 

Other tasks

Assistance that requires independent work and/or competence in the field

Assistance that requires independent work and/or competence in the field may be related to, for example: 

  • entrance examinations 
  • exhibitions 
  • teaching 
  • office work 
  • participating as a student in a teaching demonstration as part of a suitability assessment in a recruitment process 
  • participating in the assessment of teaching demonstrations 

The remuneration is 15 euros / hour. 

Other assistance 

Simple assistance tasks may refer to assistance in teaching and event arrangements, moves, building work or other similar tasks. The remuneration is 12 euros / hour. 

Academy-specific remuneration decisions

The academies and units may also assign tasks that are specific to the artistic discipline and that are compensated for in accordance with the remuneration decision of the academy or unit in question. In joint productions, the remuneration decision that is applied is the one made by the academy that is responsible for the coordination of the production. You can find the remuneration decisions on this page (in Finnish only, requires login with uniarts credentials)

Meeting fees for board members are decided by the university collegium.