Pedagogical studies
You can work as a teacher after you have completed teachers’ pedagogical studies. At the Sibelius Academy, major subject studies may also include pedagogical studies of different scope that do not provide general pedagogical qualification.
Teachers’ pedagogical studies
Pedagogical studies are required to earn a teacher qualification for the following educational institutions:
- Liberal adult education (adult education centres, folk high schools)
- Conservatories (music and dance)
- Comprehensive school
- General upper secondary school (120 ECTS credits required)
- University of applied sciences
In addition to pedagogical studies, teachers are also required to have a higher education degree. The studies are completed in accordance with the contents approved by the University of Tampere.
Pedagogical studies for subject teachers at the Theatre Academy
At the Theatre Academy, pedagogical studies for subject teachers are included in the curricula of Dance Pedagogy and Theatre Pedagogy Master’s degree programmes.
Pedagogical studies for subject teachers at the Sibelius Academy
The scope of pedagogical studies for subject teachers is 60 ECTS credits, and they provide a general pedagogical qualification. At the Sibelius Academy, pedagogical studies can be completed in two ways:
1. In the Music Education degree programme
The studies are included as compulsory in the curricula of Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Note that the 2.5-year Master’s degree programme does not include the studies in question). You can ask more information on the studies from the study coordinator of the department of Music education.
2. Included in Master’s-level studies
Teacher’s pedagogical studies (60 ECTS credits) is a study module designed for students of the Sibelius Academy (other than music education students) and included in the Master’s degree. The studies are placed in the degree structures of different degree programmes either as compulsory or as alternative and elective studies.. You can ask more information on the studies from the study coordinator of the pedagogical studies.
Pedagogical studies lead to the general teaching qualification in Finland. You should find out from your home country how you can utilise this study module in your own country’s teacher qualifications.
The application period for the studies beginning in autumn 2025 is from January 13th to January 31st, 2025.
You can apply for the studies at the end of your bachelor’s degree and before beginning your master’s degree. You should have completed pedagogy 1 for your own instrument or voice, or similar pedagogy studies offered by your own department. The application concerns the subject studies 35 ECTS of the study module.
How to apply
- Read more about the Teacher’s pedagogical studies in the study guide. Join the info in zoom on Tuesday January 14th, 2025 at 13.00 -13.45. Assi Karttunen, the teacher responsible for the module, talks about the pedagogical studies and answers your questions. Join the info.
- Fill in the electronic application form between January 13th and 31st, 2025.
- Discuss including pedagogical studies in your master’s degree with your own study programme coordinator. What are your study plans and when are you going to graduate? The discussions are held between February 3rd and 14th, 2025.
Please note that if needed, you can apply for a continued right to study to complete your unfinished pedagogical studies after graduation. The continued right to study does not grant you the student status and benefits anymore. If this study module is part of compulsory studies of a master’s degree, it cannot be studied with the continued right to study. - If the head of your department supports your application, you will be invited to an interview with the teacher responsible for the module. The interviews are held between March 4th and 18th, 2025. In the interview you will discuss your goals for developing as a teacher based on your motivation letter and possible pedagogical portfolio. You will receive instructions on how to write a motivation letter in the interview invitation.
- If the teacher responsible for the module approves your pedagogical studies, your study coordinator will confirm your updated individual study plan. After that you are ready to enrol to the courses of the next academic year 2025-26 in Peppi. Enrol between April 7th and 25th, 2025.
Pedagogical studies in major subjects at the Sibelius Academy
Major subject studies may include pedagogical studies of different scope that do not provide the general pedagogical qualification mentioned above. These studies may include teacher training.
Degree programmes’ pedagogical studies provide students with means for practising self-reflection, developing interactive teaching skills and familiarising themselves with the pedagogical environment of their own instrument. The studies support the overall development of the student as a musician and an artist.
Forms related to pedagogical studies
In the pedagogical studies of the Sibelius Academy, you need forms for teacher training and monitoring lessons. You can download and print the forms through the link below.
Practice pupils in pedagogical studies
Students at Sibelius Academy prepare to be instrument or vocal teachers by, among other methods, performing practice teaching. During the practice period, the students teach real pupils with the support of a supervising teacher.
Rules for Practice Pupil Activities
Practice pupil
Commits to co-operation with Sibelius Academy
- Takes part in the practice lessons*
- Cancels the lesson if doing so is necessary, as agreed with the instructor
- Completes the weekly assignments diligently
- Takes part in other events, such as matinee performances, whenever possible
The guardian of an underage practice pupil has the right to observe the lessons. If the guardian does not attend, they accept that some lessons may be one-on-one between the pupil and the practice teacher.
Practice teacher
- Commits to co-operation with the supervising teacher and the pupil
- Commits to adhering to the study plan and the related goals devised jointly with
- the supervising teacher
- Plans and implements the practice lessons* to the best of their ability
- Gives feedback to the pupil
- Gives a teaching demonstration at the end of the academic year
Supervising teacher
- Plans the teaching and sets the teaching objectives in co-operation with the practice
- teacher
- Supports and instructs the practice teacher
- Observes the instruction classes* of the pupil
- Gives feedback to the practice teacher
- Provides a final assessment and the credit for the practice teaching
* Practice lessons: The number of lessons depends on the instrument but is on average 14 lessons per both autumn and spring semester. The supervising teacher observes 5-7 of the lessons per term, 10-14 lessons / academic year (instruction classes).
Completing pedagogical studies based on a continued right to study at Sibelius Academy
Teachers’ pedagogical studies (60 cr)
The study module of teachers’ pedagogical studies (60 cr) is usually included as part of your bachelor’s and master’s degree. If it is not possible for you to complete the entire study module of 60 credits within the normative timeframe of 2.5 years for a master’s degree, you can complement your studies based on a continued right to study.
Students who have graduated within the normative duration of studies
If you graduated within the normative duration of studies, it is possible for you to complete the remaining studies of the study module based on a continued right to study, including the pedagogical studies (21 cr) that are part of the core studies of your major subject/degree programme and that include individual teaching/supervision (teaching practice). Read more on continued right to study.
Other students
If you did not graduate within the normative duration of studies, it is possible for you to complete the remaining studies of the study module based on a continued right to study, excluding the pedagogical studies (21 cr) that are part of the core studies of your major subject/degree programme and that include individual teaching/supervision (teaching practice).
How to apply for a separate certificate of the Teacher’s pedagogical studies module (60 cr) at the Sibelius Academy
If, after graduating, you finish the Teacher’s pedagogical studies module (60 cr) with a continued right to study, you can apply for a separate certificate of the module.
Completing pedagogical studies of your major subject/degree programme based on a continued right to study
You can complete pedagogical studies of your major subject/degree programme based on a continued right to study.
Students who have graduated within the normative duration of studies
If you graduated within the normative duration of studies, it is possible for you to also complete pedagogical studies that include individual teaching/supervision (teaching practice) and that are part of your major subject/degree programme. Read more on continued right to study.
Other students
If you did not graduate within the normative duration of studies, it is possible for you to complete pedagogical studies that are part of your major subject/degree programme, excluding studies that include individual teaching/supervision (teaching practice).
How to credit transfer studies
If a student has completed the 60-credit module of teachers’ pedagogical studies as non-degree studies or as part of some other degree completed at a higher education institution, the student can partly include these studies in the bachelor’s and/or master’s degree that they are pursuing at the Sibelius Academy.
Non-degree pedagogical studies for teachers in the arts
Non-degree pedagogical studies for teachers in the arts are intended to be completed after earning a Master of Arts degree.
The studies are intended for persons with a Master’s degree or equivalent in performing arts, music or visual arts who wish to develop their competence in art pedagogy. Those with a Bachelor’s degree are not eligible.