Graduation scholarship

The Sibelius Academy Foundation's graduation scholarship can be applied for by a Sibelius Academy student who has graduated within the target schedule. The student is eligible for the scholarship if they graduate within the target schedule by the end of December each year. The graduation scholarship is applied for after graduation. The graduation date is the same as the date of issuance of the degree certificate.

Who can apply for a graduation scholarship?

The dean of the Sibelius Academy has decided that the scholarship supporting graduation can be applied for in 2024–2025. A student is entitled to a scholarship if they graduate within the target time by the end of December of each year. Both bachelor’s and master’s graduates can apply for the scholarship. The target completion times for degrees defined by the Universities Act are:

  • Long education (bachelor’s degree 3 years + master’s degree 2.5 years): 5.5 years
  • Short education (master’s): Master of Music 2.5 years and Master of Arts (Art and Design) 2 years

The graduation date is the date of issuance of the certificate, which is considered the date when the degree is completed. In other words, the graduation date is not the date on which the certificate was applied for or when the last course required for the degree was completed.

Example: The student completes their studies within the target time in June 2024. They can apply for a graduation scholarship at the end of 2024. The graduation scholarship will be paid in the spring of the following year, i.e. in 2025.

To apply for a graduation scholarship, you need a uniarts account. You can extend the account’s validity by contacting the IT support.

How big are the graduation scholarships?

The amount of the scholarship may vary each year, as it is linked to the development of the market value of the foundation’s investments. However, the aim is to keep the sums of the scholarships the same. The graduation scholarship is paid in the spring.

How can one apply for a graduation scholarship?

One can apply for a graduation scholarship in the Aspicore grant system from 2 December 2024 to 24 January 2025.

More information

Anni Pokki
Foundation Officer
050 476 69 61