Students must have multi-factor authentication in use starting from 1 April 2024

Starting from Monday, 1 April 2024, you must have multi-factor authentication set up on your phone to improve the security of your user account. This means that when you are signing in to Uniarts Helsinki’s systems, such as email, you must verify your sign-in on your phone using the Microsoft Authenticator app or an SMS code. If you have not set up multi-factor authentication, you will not be able to sign in to the university’s systems.

Prepare for the change ahead of time and avoid long customer service waiting times by setting up multi-factor authentication already now!

How to set up multi-factor authentication:

Only use the instructions and links that the university has provided to guarantee the security of your account. Do not use unofficial sources and links.

IT Helpdesk provides in-person service on campus on 2-12 April 2024

If setting up multi-factor authentication seems difficult to you or you run into problems, no worries, because the university’s IT Helpdesk is at your service! We will arrange in-person customer service hours on the Sörnäinen and Töölö campuses during the first two weeks of April. Helpdesk staff can help you set up the verification method and fix any problems you may face.

You can find us on the Tori courtyard in Kookos and in the third-floor lobby in Musiikkitalo on 2–12 April between 9:00 and 15:00. There will be no in-person service available during the weekends.

If you cannot make it to an in-person meet-up, you can contact Uniarts Helsinki’s IT Helpdesk by emailing at any time or by calling +358 294 47 2200 (Mon-Fri 8:30–15:00)

Why does the university require multi-factor authentication?

Multi-factor authentication significantly increases the security of user accounts, and nearly all account hijack attempts can be stopped by using multi-factor authentication. Even if a criminal was able to access a user account and password, they would not be able to sign in the service without additional authentication.

Multi-factor authentication is also in use or will soon be in use at other universities and higher education institutions in Finland.

These services, for example, use multi-factor authentication:

  • Email
  • Teams
  • Moodle