Art in studies
Find all the essential information about artistic level performance examinations, exhibitions, concerts, copyright, and the resources and support available for your artistic activities.
Concerts and events
Instructions on how to apply to artistic level performance examinations and the contact persons.
Artistic level performance examinations at the Sibelius Academy
Information about applying artistic level performance examinations at the Sibelius Academy
Programme practices at the Sibelius Academy
On this page, you can find information on the preparation of Sibelius Academy programmes and ready-made programme templates.
Taito channel
In the Taito channel of the Sibelius Academy, you register for level performances, submit event applications, reserve facilities for recordings and notify the information services about concerts taking place outside the facilities.
Instructions about how to promote your concert
Sibelius Academy student, do you have an upcoming concert that you want to promote? Check out our guide to get the best possible visibility for your concert.
Sibelius Academy’s instrument workshop
Workshop space for musical instrument building and repair work and projects, located on the basement floor of the Nervanderinkatu building in Töölö campus.
How to borrow equipment at the Sibelius Academy
The Sibelius Academy owns 200 instruments, which are lent to students and teachers for various uses. Some instruments are lent only to major students.
Recording an event at the Sibelius Academy
This is how you make a recording of your event. Information about camera productions and communication procedures.
Exhibitions and independent artistic work
Instructions on how to participate in degree exhibitions, and information on the exhibition and event spaces available to students.
Exhibition activities at the Academy of Fine Arts
On this page, you can read the guidelines for exhibition activities at the Academy of Fine Arts.
How to organise an exhibition at Kuva/Tila and Tasku
Information on what you need to consider when you are planning to organise an exhibition in our exhibition facilities.
Communication guidelines for gallery exhibitors
Communication guidelines for students who are organising an exhibition in the Academy of Fine Arts’ own gallery spaces as well as in the spaces of partners.
Participation in Kandinäyttely – BFA exhibition
Instructions on participating in the BFA Exhibition. The exhibition is a part the BFA seminar that supports the student in completing their BFA thesis.
Participation in Kuvan Kevät MFA exhibition
Instructions for participating in the Kuvan Kevät Master of Fine Arts Exhibition. Signing up for the exhibition is done October-November.
Exhibition and event spaces for students in the Academy of Fine Arts
The exhibition spaces of the Academy of Fine Arts are located in the Mylly building on the Sörnäinen campus.
Guidelines of independent artistic work at the Academy of Fine Arts
Independent artistic work is work that the student plans and carries out independently; either alone or as a part of a group. Help and support is provided by teachers and technicians.
Productions at the Theatre Academy
Instructions on how to plan and carry out productions at the Theatre Academy.
Artistic productions at the Theatre Academy
Information about product planning, resources, communications and ticket sales.
What resources you will get for your artistic activities at the Theatre Academy
This resource guide outlines how we allocate service resources between productions.
Safety in performances and risk assessment
This page provides instructions on how to organise safe rehearsals and performances in front of a live audience at the Theatre Academy as well as a checklist that safety coordinators can use in their duties.
Who can participate in the Theatre Academy’s productions
What you need to remember when participating in a production or when hiring members to a working group. In certain cases, students from other academies and people from outside the Uniarts Helsinki community can also participate in the Theatre Academy’s productions.
Production storage and loans at the Theatre Academy
What are the loan principles for productions and students after graduation.
Video guidance: Agreement on the right to use works related to studies
The video is part of the orientation material for our new students.
Agreement on the right to use works related to studies
Read more about the agreement on the right to use works related to studies on Moodle and via the video
University’s copyright services
You can make an appointment with the university’s copyright ombudsman, who will provide advice on copyright issues related to performance and exhibition activities, for example.
Copyright service for arts universities
Get answers to copyright questions in the creative fields.
Copyright Fees to Rights Holders
For the use of copyrighted material (music, images, videos) in artistic and event activities at the Theatre Academy, fees are paid on a per-production or per-event basis. Production services provide guidance on this matter:
Find events related to your studies and browse all public events in the Uniarts Helsinki event calendar.
Internal events
Find events related to your studies. Events that are open for the public are listed on the main Uniarts Helsinki’s website at
Events at Uniarts Helsinki
Hundreds of concerts, exhibitions and other events in a year. Find all events in out event calendar.
Free tickets for students to Uniarts Helsinki’s events
Students at Uniarts Helsinki may attend performances at the Sibelius Academy’s and Theater Academy’s own facilities free of charge. Exhibitions in the Academy of Fine Arts’ own galleries are always free of charge.
Programme Office Primo
Primo is a service of the Uniarts Helsinki’s Sibelius Academy which produces performances for events organised by companies and communities. Students can apply to become a Primo performer.