Musicians in society – society in musicians: Discussion on 8 February 2024

Time: 8.2.2024 klo 10:00 – 15:00
Venue: Helsinki Music Centre, Sonore hall

Musicians are public professionals who can make a significant impact on society. Sibelius Academy educates professional musicians but how much do the educational programmes make space for societal engagement within music professionalism.

We invite students and teachers to discuss and think together about musicians in society and society in musicians from the perspective of higher education programmes, their needs and possibilities. 

Our event is open to everyone and free of charge. While we’ll be livestreaming the proceedings to the Zoom, we strongly encourage in-person attendance. For those joining us on-site, a lunch will be provided. 

The programme will be conducted in both English and Finnish. 

Keynote speaker: Gert Biesta, professor of educational theory and pedagogy, University of Edinburgh, UK

Special guests include:

  • Lukas Stasevskij, cellist, film director, Ukraine/Finland
  • Vilma Jää, singer, composer, Finland


Read more about the event


10.00–12.00 (in English)

  • Performing the Political: Public Pedagogy in Higher Music Education / Tuulikki Laes, Academy Research Fellow, University of the Arts Helsinki 
  • Public Pedagogy in Music and Music Education: On Attention, Plurality, and the Fear of Teaching /Gert Biesta, Professor of Educational Theory and Pedagogy, University of Edinburgh, UK
  • My Journey as a Cellist in War / Lukas Stasevskij, musician and filmmaker, Ukraine/Finland 

12.00–13.00 Lunch for the pre-registered participants

13.00–15.00 (in Finnish, translation available on Zoom)

  • Music performance / Vilma Jää, Finland
  • Panel discussion by invited artists, teachers and researchers


The event is open to everyone and free of charge.

Register to participate in the event 

About the research project Performing the Political

Performing the Political: Public Pedagogy in Higher Music Education (2023-2027) is a research project funded by the Finnish Research Council and conducted at the Sibelius Academy. It challenges the understanding of the political nature of musicianship and aims to initiate and explore transformative alternatives for future music professionals in higher music education to survive, reform, and thrive in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world.

More information

Tuulikki Laes
University Researcher