Optional studies in spring 2024 

Uniarts Helsinki offers a variety of joint studies that are available to students from all academies and degree programmes. In this newsletter, we’ll focus on the course selection offered during the 2024 spring term. Besides joint studies, this newsletter will give you information about the mobility studies that the academies offer for all students at the academies. 

Optional studies

Studies in career skills, arts management and entrepreneurship

Whether you’re studying for a bachelor’s, master’s or a doctoral degree, you are welcome to pursue studies in career skills.  

There are several new courses in career skills available during the spring term in English. The Open University is organising a module focusing on digital contexts in the arts, and it comprises six credits with quota spots for degree and exchange students. The module consists of two courses: A course titled Metaverse, the new digital economy and the creative industries, which will teach you the basics of modern digital economy in the arts and cultural sector and a course titled Introduction to artificial intelligence in creative practice, which gives an introduction to the use of AI in the arts. A course titled Well-being and self-compassion will give you tools to manage your resilience and support in how to make sustainable decisions.  

The 2024 spring term’s course selection in career skills also includes the course Working life skills for musicians (aimed at orchestra musicians, only in English) as well as online courses on copyrights and turning creative skills into words, which are available regularly as independent studies.  

Registration for the 2024 spring term’s studies in career skills has already begun in Peppi, and registration will end on 30 November 2023, apart from courses in career skills organised by the Open University, where the registration period is from 21 November to 7 December 2023. 

See the spring selection of studies in career skills in the Study Guide

For more information and study counselling, contact: tyoelama@uniarts.fi.  

SAMA (Sound Art & Sonic Arts) 

SAMA (Sound Art & Sonic Arts) is Uniarts Helsinki’s joint study module, which explores sound as a versatile form of contemporary art. SAMA courses are aimed at master’s students, but they are also suitable for bachelor’s students and exchange students. The courses in the module are taught in English.  

You can find the courses offered in 2023–2024 in the Study Guide, and registration for the 2024 spring term’s studies has begun on 1 November 2023. 

Language and communication studies 

For the most part, registration for Uniarts Helsinki’s language and communication studies offered during the 2024 spring term will continue in Peppi until 30 November 2023.  

Registration for online language courses offered by the KiVANET network will begin on 4 December 2023 and end on 8 January 2024. The spring course selection for 2024 will be published in the address kivanet.fi/kurssitarjonta/ before registration begins. Students of Uniarts Helsinki have plenty of quota spots on KiVANET courses, so we encourage you to pursue studies! 

One of the courses available at Uniarts Helsinki through the KiVANET network is the course Hungarian for beginners (3 cr). The course is suited for students who are going on an exchange or a holiday in Hungary or anyone who is generally interested in the language. Uniarts Helsinki students can register for this course in Peppi. 

You can read more about language studies for a bachelor’s degree on the Students’ Uniarts website. Do not hesitate to contact kielet@uniarts.fi if you have questions about credit transfers or language proficiency tests (portfolios), for example. 

Mobility studies

Mobility studies refer to studies that are organised by the academies and that are available to all Uniarts Helsinki students. You can include mobility studies in your degree as optional studies, for example. You can contact your home academy’s staff to make sure that a specific study unit is suited for your degree. 

Check the exact course- and academy-specific registration details in the Study Guide under the section ”Uniarts optional studies”  

Open university

Some of the Open University courses have set quotas for degree students who can participate in the course free of charge. The Open University’s course selection for the spring term was published on 6 November 2023. More detailed information on the course selection and requirements for these quota spots are presented in the Study Guide

As for other Open University courses at Uniarts Helsinki, degree students who have registered for attendance are eligible for a 50% discount on the course fee. The discount does not apply to teaching provided by partner institutions (summer universities, folk high schools). Browse the course selection.  

The application period for the 2024 spring term’s Open University courses will begin on 21 November 2023 and end either on 7 December 2023 or on 13 December 2023. 

For more information, contact avoin@uniarts.fi