Booking of facilities at the Sibelius Academy

Information on how to book facilities as a Sibelius Academy student and what you need to consider before booking.

For what purposes can the facilities be booked?

Sibelius Academy students can use and book facilities for studies and related practice, research and artistic activities. Using the facilities for other purposes without an agreement signed with the university is forbidden.   

Who can book the facilities?

As an attending student of the Sibelius Academy, you have the right to practise on campus, and you can book normal classrooms or classrooms that are specifically intended for practice whenever they are free for use.   

Only degree students who have registered for attendance for the academic term as well as Junior Academy students and exchange students have the right to use the university facilities. Reservations for practice can only be made by the students themselves.  

Graduating students can continue using and booking facilities until their university username expires. 

Use of facilities

You must leave the classroom, hall or other space in the same condition as it was before your use of it. You must organise and tidy up the space within the reserved time. If you do not follow the policies, you risk losing your booking rights until further notice.

Rules on indicating that a room is in use and leaving the room

You know that a room is not in use when the occupied light is off (M Building and N Building) or when the green side of the door sign has been slid on (R Building). You know that a room is occupied when the red occupied light is on (M Building and N Building) or when the red side of the door sign has been slid on (R Building).  

When you take up a classroom, regardless of whether you have a reservation or not, put on the occupied sign for the duration of your practice. This way other people won’t come to the door for no reason.  

When you leave the room to go on a break, leave an instrument case, a jacket or some other personal item in the room to show that you are coming back. When you leave the room after you are done with your practice session, take all your belongings with you and put the unoccupied sign on. 

You can find Practice Etiquette from the University of the Arts Student Union web page.

Booking of facilities

All room reservations for practice sessions are made in the Peppi system or Tuudo. You can find video tutorials for making reservations in the Peppi front page for reservations. 

As a student, you have the right to book practice rooms and available classrooms (music and lecture rooms) for your own practice sessions using the Peppi system. Some of the practice rooms are also available on a queue basis. The scope of the booking rights differs between departments. Certain restrictions apply to practising in classrooms with special equipment/instruments. The restriction may concern the student’s right to book a room or the right to practise in a room.  

Classrooms that are in shared use and practice rooms can be booked max. two days in advance. The reservation window opens in Peppi at 12:00 (noon). For example, on Monday morning starting at 12:00 (noon), you can book rooms for Wednesday, but not for days after that.  

In principle, students can book rooms for a total of 12 hours per week. A one-off reservation can be max. 3 hours. There may be separate booking policies concerning classrooms with special equipment/instruments, and there may be differences and exceptions in booking instructions for different departments.  

When making reservations, it is important to try to avoid making the reservation calendar needlessly fragmented and to avoid blocking other people’s chances of using and booking classrooms. If a classroom is empty, you can use it for practice and teaching sessions without booking it. The rule is, however, that teaching is prioritised over practice if the room is not booked for either purpose.  

Each person booking a room must cancel reservations that they cannot use via the booking system at least 15 minutes before the start of the reservation. Deleting a reservation after this is forbidden. You cannot reschedule your reservation or give it to some other student.  

Students’ booking roles in the Peppi facility booking system

Users have different booking roles in Peppi. Please always check your personal booking role and follow the restrictions that apply to your role or department even when the system gives you more extensive booking rights. You must check the more detailed room-specific guidelines concerning the right to use and book facilities from Peppi when you book the room. If you do not follow the restrictions, you risk losing your booking rights.  

You can read presentations of the booking roles below.  

Student role 1

Everybody has this booking role.  

  • This role gives you the right to book classrooms and practice rooms that are in shared use 2 days in advance for a maximum of 12 hours per week.  

Student role 2 (jazz)

  • If you have this role, you can book the Jazz Department’s classrooms with special equipment/instruments. You can book these classrooms max. 7 days in advance. The number of hours per week is not restricted (applies to the department’s classrooms with special equipment/instruments).  

Student role 3 (folk music and global music)

  • If you have this role, you can book the Folk Music Department’s and the Global Music Department’s classrooms with special equipment/instruments. You can book these classrooms max. 7 days in advance, max. 12 hours per week in total.  

Student role 4 (music education)

  • If you have this role, you can book the department’s classrooms with special equipment/instruments. You can book these rooms max. 2 days in advance, max. 12 hours per week in total.  

Student role 5 (church music and organ)

  • If you have this role, you can book the department’s classrooms with special equipment/instruments (as well as Organo). You can book these rooms max. 2 days in advance, max. 12 hours per week in total.  

Student role 6 (wind instruments, percussion and harp)

  • If you have this role, you can book the department’s classrooms with special equipment/instruments. You can book these rooms max. 2 days in advance, max. 12 hours per week in total.  
  • Harpists have the right to book harp classrooms 30 days in advance for 24 hours per week, while percussionists have the right to book percussion classrooms 14 days in advance for 35 hours per week.  

Student role 7 (music technology)

  • If you have this role, you can book studios and minor control rooms without time restrictions after a separate introduction session. You must comply with the rules and policies of the department.  

Student role 8 (extensive rights)

  • A technically extensive booking role.  
  • This role is assigned automatically to students of the Early Music Department and doctoral students (booking differs from the 2-day rule, please check the policies of your own department).  
  • This role is manually assigned to people with chamber music responsibilities and, if the department so requests, to students who are completing a course that requires more extensive booking rights.  

Room reservations for big groups and reservations for examination practice

  • Booking of facilities for chamber music groups: The designated contact person for each chamber music group receives the right to book practice facilities for the group during the academic term or the entire academic year. These contact persons for chamber music groups have the right to book classrooms max. 2 weeks in advance, but only for the practice sessions of chamber music groups. This makes it easier to schedule joint practice times. 
  • If you want to book the band classrooms for music education for more than 2 days in advance or if you want to book practice rooms for pop/jazz level performance examinations etc., make your reservation by email:  
  • You can book practice sessions in a hall for artistic level performance examinations as a classical music instrument student in connection with your registration for the level performance examination using the Taito platform. You can book a warm-up classroom before your examination by email:  
  • As for other ensemble and chamber music practice sessions, follow the rules that apply to your personal student role and department.  

Pedagogy, teaching sessions withpractice pupils

  • Pedagogy students who use practice rooms for teaching their practice pupils can book a practice room for teaching use according to the following rules:   
  • Students completing Pedagogy I course: 30 h = 1 h / week  
  • Students completing Pedagogy II course: 60 h = 2 h / week  
  • Reservations for pedagogy lessons can be made max. two weeks in advance and no later than three days in advance before the time of the reservation by email to, in which case they do not affect the student’s personal reservation quota.  

Reservations for recording sessions

You can make one-off reservations for recording sessions in classrooms by email:  

You can book a hall for a recording session max. two weeks in advance using the Taito platform. Note that reservation requests are not processed over the weekends or during holidays. 

The use of devices for recording image and sound in the Sibelius Academy halls is possible after an independent learning session.

Send an email to the stage and studio team if you need instructions for recording 

At the Sibelius Academy, the halls of the Helsinki Music Centre (Camerata, Sonore, Black Box, Organo) have the same recording equipment as the halls of the R Building (R-KS, R-KMS, R Small Hall), the classrooms of the R Building (R410, R430, R431, R432, R510, R530, R531, R532) and the classrooms of the N Building (N-210, N-513, NK48, N-521, N-310, NK55, N515, N424).