All e-books acquired by the library can be found in the Uniarts Helsinki Library search service

All e-books acquired by the library can be found in the Uniarts Helsinki Library search service Arsca. You can read e-books using your Uniarts credentials. E-books can be read anywhere with an internet connection. Most e-books are also available on library workstations without requiring Uniarts credentials. You can find a guide for e-book use in the library’s guides for information retrieval.

Most foreign e-books have been acquired with unlimited access rights, which means that the e-book can be used by all students attending a course. As a result, your studies and research will not be delayed or interrupted, at least not due to a reservation queue. E-books are automatically returned and there is no need to pay any late fees. Here are some of the latest e-book acquisitions for your use.

The Library also offers e-books in Finnish. For example, the following e-books in Finnish are available to you.

Check Arsca to see if the book you need is already available as an e-book. If not, submit an acquisition proposal to the Library. Course materials in particular can be acquired as an e-book.

Teacher! You can conveniently report the course material you are using to the Library using this form. For more information on course materials in the library, see the Guide for teachers.

Still have questions about e-books? Visit the library’s customer service or send us an email at