Certificates of studies

You can download study certificates in Peppi. Also the official degree certificate is electronic, and it can be downloaded from Peppi.

Certificate of student status

A certificate of student status is available for all Uniarts Helsinki students. You can download an official, electronically verified certificate of student status from Peppi by clicking “Certificates of studies”. The certificate can be downloaded in Finnish, Swedish or English.

The certificate of student status can be used to verify your student status at Uniarts Helsinki if simply demonstrating a Tuudo or Frank student card/student ID is not sufficient. You may need a certificate of student status for rental agreements, Kela and bank affairs, unemployment benefits, organisation memberships or student exchange periods, for example. The certificate is provided free of charge.

If you need to deliver the certificate in question to an official authority, send it in digital format, e.g. by email. Due to the digital signature, the certificate is official only when forwarded in digital format. If you print the certificate, it is no longer official, because the printed version does not show the digital signature.

The instructions for verifying that the certificate is authentic can be found at the bottom of the electronically verified certificate of student status. When necessary, the recipient of the document (e.g. Kela or some other official authority) may check the authenticity of the certificate with the help of the instructions.

Transcript of records

A transcript of records is a document that lists the individual course units that you have completed along with the ECTS credits given per each course unit. You can download an official, electronically verified transcript of records from Peppi by clicking “Certificates of studies”. The certificate can be downloaded in Finnish, Swedish or English.

The instructions for verifying that the certificate is authentic can be found at the bottom of the electronically verified transcript of records. When necessary, the recipient of the document (e.g. Kela or some other official authority) may check the authenticity of the certificate with the help of the instructions.

Degree certificate

The official degree certificate is electronic. The diploma can be downloaded from Peppi on the day of graduation. It is no longer possible to get a degree certificate in paper form.

You will receive your degree certificate and transcript of records either in Finnish or Swedish and English.   

Each student is also given an English-language Diploma Supplement as an appendix to their degree certificate to be used in international contexts. The Diploma Supplement describes the content and level of your degree. It also includes information about the Finnish education system.  

Download your degree certificate from Peppi’s Atomi service according to the instructions below. Downloading the certificate requires a valid Uniarts user ID. Your user ID expires two months after your graduation date, unless you have been granted another study right, such as a continued right to study. After this, you will not be able to download the official diploma.

If your user ID is not valid, please contact the study services of your own academy or peppi@uniarts.fi to deliver the certificate. Your degree certificate is archived electronically by the University of the Arts.

The degree certificate is a PDF/A file. Never open the certificate in edit mode. When opened in editing mode, the electronic signature certificate is broken, and the document is no longer authentic.

You can create electronic backups of the official certificate. All electronic copies are official and authentic certificates.

The printed degree certicate is neither official nor authentic.

How to download your degree certificate from Peppi

  1. Open the Certificate of studies from the navigation menu of the student’s desktop by clicking on the study certificates icon.
  2. Your Atomi service that opens has three tabs: New order, Documents and Degree certificate. Go to the degree certificate tab.
  3. The tab lists the documents created for you. Your degree certificate can be found in the list under the name Certificate. Download the certificate by clicking Download on the right side.
  4. The degree certificate opens either in the browser, is downloaded to the browser’s Downloads folder, or is opened with the default program (e.g. Adobe Reader). This depends on your browser settings. Check the related settings in your browser’s instructions.
  5. Save the degree certificate with a recognizable name in your own files.
    – It is recommended to store the diploma in a cloud service, for example.
    – In addition, you should make a backup copy of the diploma and save it, for example, on a memory stick.

How to get a copy of a lost degree certificate? 

You can request a copy of your degree certificate to replace your lost or damaged certificate. A copy of the degree certificate is issued in the same language in which the degree certificate was originally issued. If the original degree certificate was issued electronically, the copy will also be delivered electronically. A copy of degree certificates issued in paper format will also be delivered on paper. 

The copy is subject to a fee, and you can order it from your academy’s study services. The price of the copy is 30 euros/piece. 

Please mention the following in your order: 

  • Your full name (including the name on the certificate if changed) and date of birth 
  • Completion date of the degree 
  • Degree title 
  • The address to which you want the certificate to be delivered 

In addition to the information above, submit the payment receipt to your academy’s study services. 

Payment details: 

  • Recipient: Uniarts Helsinki 
  • Recipient’s bank: OP Corporate Bank plc (PO Box 308, FI-00013 OP) 
  • Account number (IBAN): FI40 5000 0120 2882 37 
  • Academy-specific reference numbers: 9000 03217 (Academy of Fine Arts), 9000 03233 (Sibelius Academy), 9000 03220 (Theatre Academy) 

More information

Academy of Fine Arts: kuva.opintotoimisto@uniarts.fi

Sibelius Academy: siba.opintopalvelut@uniarts.fi

Theatre Academy: teak.opintoneuvonta@uniarts.fi